NOVEMBER 5, TUESDAY ROMANS 12: 5-16 SACRIFICE OF BODY AND MIND AND MUTUAL LOVE PSALM 131: 1-3 HUMBLE TRUST IN GOD LUKE 14: 15-24 PARABLE OF THE GREAT FEAST- TODAYS GOSPEL One of those at the table said to JESUS,BLESSED are those who eat at the banquet in the kingdom of GOD,JESUS replied,A man once gave a FEAST and invited many guest.When it was time for the feast,he sent his servant to tell those he had invited to come,but all alike began to make excuses.The servant reported this to his master.Upon hearing,the master flew into a rage and ordered the servant,go out into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor,crippled,lame and the blind.The servant reported after a while they are all gathered but still there is room.The master again said,go out to the highways and country side and force people to come in to make sure the house is full.I tell you none of those invited will have a morsel of my FEAST. PRAISE TO YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST LORD,let us know that eating is a private affair and sharing one another.It is one of the most social of all activities; to celebrate together and have joy in one anothers company.A wonderful chasm between individual and community. That it contains a profound wisdom about human living and about the life of grace. May we always value the friendship and the importance given to us with those people who always wanted us to be with. In JESUS NAME.AMEN.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 23:01:37 +0000

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