NOW…IT’S PERSONAL By Gary Price in GHOST-WRITER (Files) No - TopicsExpress


NOW…IT’S PERSONAL By Gary Price in GHOST-WRITER (Files) No everyone, I’m not talking about some blatant personal attack nor am I referring to my own deep-rooted, deep-seated and esoteric beliefs. The point I am trying to make here involves the things that we attempt to put out there as far as evidence is concerned. Whether you choose to post EVP’s, Pictures, Videos or God forbid, the ever-so controversial “Orb”, you fall victim to an onslaught of negativity from those who choose not to believe. The “Personal” that I am talking about is our personal experiences during an investigation that completes the story to all other evidence we may have captured. When someone does not add this factor into the formula, they are only donning their own personal blinders. I don’t know why there are those out there who just choose this forumas a place to come and ridicule others in their efforts. With some, I know for a fact, it is just ignorance and a game. For others, it’s arrogance and conceit with that extra dose of contempt and pomposity! Then there are those who really do consider themselves “all-knowing” and experts in the paranormal. As I have always stated in the past, none of us are really experts and we all have much to learn in this field. We should take the opportunity and learn from one another. When I see someone else’s posts as evidence and they ask for opinions, I will give an honest opinion which is measured and determined only from my experiences. We can not truly tell them it is real or not due to the fact that we were not there with them, we did not have the personal experiences that they, alone, witnessed which adds validity to their claims. Our (PERSONAL EXPERIENCES) during any investigation drives us to the conclusions which we each consider something valid. Others can not see this and thusly can not make any logical call in my opinion. Remain resilient in your efforts and always consider this when you are faced with the negativity of others. Always know that there are those of us out there that do this for the right reasons and will always emote a well deserved respect. As for the others, pity them as they will be stuck in a place they are happy to grow stagnant within. This is not, in any way, meant for the skeptics out there. I do learn from them as they at least factor in reasoning and science to come to their conclusions. This is meant for the “Pot-Stirrers” who have no other reason but to feed their own egos. Respect for our colleagues and knowing the importance of one’s dignity is truly the mark of a great human being. I remember reading this a long time ago and still believe it to be true today, “To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.” Always consider the personal experiences that may have been involved when you look at something next time. ~Gary~
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 11:46:17 +0000

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