NOW SHOWING : MH370, A MILE-HIGH LOVE STORY About a hundred - TopicsExpress


NOW SHOWING : MH370, A MILE-HIGH LOVE STORY About a hundred years into the future when deep-sea travel via submersibles become commercially-viable and a reality, one might stumble upon a hundred-year old Boeing (a collectors item by then) somewhere in the cold depths of the Indian Ocean. Then, a James Cameron-type (of Titanic fame) might come along and spin a yarn about an outrageous love-drama (albeit fictitious) set against the tragic MH370 backdrop that might go on to be a runaway cinematic blockbuster. By then, visually-realistic 4-D entertainment would have been the norm and the missing MH370 would have been the stuff of legends. The bottom-line is, the Government and the countries involved in the search should accept the cold fact that the plane will only be found when its ready to be found. Till then the Government should focus on more pressing issues on the domestic front like the Eastern Sabah breaches, unprecedented in its frequency of occurrences and the escalating crime in the country instead of wanton wastage of maritime resources just to placate the families of the still missing passengers and crew. As for the families involved in this tragedy, my heartfelt sympathies to them but they should accept the stark reality that death is inevitable and tragedies are unavoidable. They should instead be comforted by the generous payout and move on and accept closure. Expecting anything more would simply be wishful thinking. tim / yhto
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 14:01:47 +0000

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