NOW THAT...IS Crazy GENEROUS! Has anyone noticed, or maybe its - TopicsExpress


NOW THAT...IS Crazy GENEROUS! Has anyone noticed, or maybe its just me lately..but its seems like everywhere You eat least the fast food establishments. They all ask the same question..Do you want to make that a large? Do you want to make that a Biggie.. They all have there own name for it! You know..let me supersize that, with a bigger.. more generous..helping of what youre wanting today? We are a Blessed People, living in a Blessed Nation! All for the asking we can have as much or as little we want to have! We get to decide, we are the deciders! Lean over and tell your neighbor..I am a decider! The logical response when asked, would get all the value possible! Yes I would like more please! Supersize me! If we are that way in the natural, then doesnt it make you wonder.. why arent we that way when it comes to the things that God has to offer us.. in the the spiritual realm! I know you have probably seen the Vonage commercials... You know..the ones that say, thats crazy generous! But really, if you think about it, Thats what God is all about.. He says, with those needs, wants, dreams and desires you have.. Would you like for me to Super Size those for you today... Do you know...its just as easy for Him To bless you a it is to bless you a little. In fact, its probably easier to..because you see, a lot requires no measurement..its just like a big heaping shovel full! Or its like a dump truck running over...the driver says..does it matter where we dump it... nope, they said they would take all we could deliver..just keep dumping it everywhere! Amen? Amen! However, a little..takes a little more precise measurement... you know similar to baking needs..lets say, now be sure to only add 2/3 of a cup of flour..or it will be to much...measure twice, add once! Were the ones who decide..our words have enormous power! Amen? Illus..In 1998, Larry Page and Sergey Brin picked the number one followed by 100 zeroes while they were still graduate students at Stanford University. That number in mathematical terms is called a googol, and that became the name of their new enterprise. Today, Google operates the largest search engine in the world with internet users performing hundreds of millions searches a day. Jim Reese, chief operations engineer of Google, says this about Brin and Page: It takes a lot of confidence and courage to go ahead and do that [i.e., to be that big]. Its rare to find people who think on such a grand scale and are able to create a great product at the same time. (, 11-5-02) Googles founders were dreamers, and thats what it takes to accomplish great things. It takes a great dream to do great things, and thats true not only in business but also in the ministry to which God has called us, to be a part of! And just so you know, anyone who can lift up the name of Jesus..has a ministry! Ephesians 3:20 NKJ 20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly (just so you know..thats more than a googol) above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, Ephesians 3:20-21 MSG 20-21 God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 07:07:27 +0000

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