NOW THAT THE APC HAS BEEN REGISTERED,WHAT NEXT? The clamour for the registration of the All Progressive Congress has come and gone but the questions that remain in the heart of discerning Nigerians are unanswered.Now,is APC really an opposition party in the proper definition of opposition? And by the way,who are they opposing and for whom?The answer to these questions shall come to limelight when we take an analogy of the APC. A good friend of mine once derogatorily refer to APC as Association of Professional Criminals.At that point, I laughed at this conception of the party. We the Nigerian masses have outgrown deceit,we have now realised the truth in all the lies been sold to us.What are the ideological difference between the APC and the existing political parties? The members of the APC are all past political leaders or looters to use my friends diction.Now are they just waking up from slumber and realised the need to salvage Nigeria?I must admit that nomenclatural change is not same thing as ideological change.The APC has only succeeded in changing its name and not its aim and content. As a social scientist,I know with accurate certainty that a political party is said to be an opposition when it has policy framework that is radically different from that of the ruling party.APC at best doesnt qualify for such classification.It is an Association of All Past Professional Corrupt Criminals.If not,why would power hungry fools condescend so low as to form a party for elitist gain?why would ousting the president come 2015 be its sole and only aim?I understand that the beauty of Democracy is opposition but then what is APC opposing and for whom? This is another strategy to hoodwink the masses with either ethnic sentiments or religious garments.We refuse to be drown into this macabre dance of deception.I have not really seen a genuine and public spirited political party in Nigeria as it is now. At best we have always had union of thieves who are hell bent on devising new method to siphon our natural and national resources and thereby clogging the wheel of progress and setting the Nigerian clock behind time.If APC and all other emerging political party must have the support of greater Nigerians,they must purge itself of the past thieves within them. But what a minute,did this people just realised that they possess the magic wand to overturn the fortunes of Nigeria? I am not a party to this deception.When new crops of politicians arose,we shall know but for now, the APC is not a new party and doesnt possess any messianic power to perform miracles.Sometimes,I wonder when these people have been baptized and cleansed of their past evils that they now have the temerity and effrontery to call themselves the progressives,UNA NO DEY SHAME? Gone are the days when we are carried away by mere sloganeering that fizzle out in a nine day wonder.I am not inclined to any party,but if I must then probably not the nomenclaturaly changed APC To be continued......
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:06:27 +0000

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