NOW THAT YOU ARE SAVED,YOU SHOULD START FOLLOWING GODS COMMANDS....THIS IS FOOLISHNESS OF THE HIGHEST ORDER It is a very foolish phenomenon in churches today but can you tell me how many sermons are preached along the lines??Yes you are saved by Grace...but now you have to perform so Gods work is not in vain.This is utter nonsense. point to note: WE ARE NOT AGAINST OBEYING GODS COMMANDMENTS,WE ARE SIMPLY AND STRICTLY STATING THE TRUTH OF THE GOSPEL THAT YOU CANNOT PLEASE GOD BY YOUR EFFORTS,YOUR FASTING,CONFESSING AND ALL YOUR GOOD DEEDS. You tell people are saved by the new its time to go back to the old.WHAT,WHICH BIBLE IS THAT???anyway you and I know that this is what happens in many churches today and therefore God is not seen as He really is,all loving,all wonderful and always present to meet the believers needs. Listen you dont have to give your money so God can heal you..or your child or break generational curses.You do not have to fast for days and confess all your sins to be on Gods side of favor.All you have to do is simply Believe.THATS IT!!!! But believe in what??you may ask.Believe in Jesus and His perfect work on the cross.This is what makes you FOREVER RIGHTEOUS.Do you for one moment think that your own good deeds can allow you to access Gods favor and blessings.Isaiah 64 6 says all our righteousness(the good we do)are like filthy rags in Gods eyes.Therefore it is not what you do...but what you believe.It is all of Christ but none of self. You may say...Grace is just for salvation,the rest of the work is up to usHow do you think Abraham got blessed and favored by God throughout his entire life??What did he do to get his incredible health,wealth(silver and gold says the bible)Peace and Joy and how did he manage to get the name father of all nations??romans 4 13 For the promise to Abraham or to his descendants(we believers) that he would inherit the world was not through the law, but through the righteousness that comes by faith.OR HAVENT YOU STUDIED ON THE DOUBLE LIE OF ABRAHAM??He certainly sinned...TWICE... same sin...The point is not your own deeds that count but your faith in imputed righteousness...and the deeds will flow. Listen...stop looking at yourself.If you want blessings in your life,take the words of Jesus to not be afraid,ONLY BELIEVE.Jesus did not ask him to repent or make a sacrifice...he simply urged him TO BELIEVE and Jairus daughter lived again. Friends I submit to you today that the problems you are facing in your life that dont seem to ever change is simply because you DO NOT ONLY BELIEVE.You feel likenow that I am saved,I must go out there and fight the good fight of faith.This is a wrong and religious mentality.You were saved by none of your works but only believing. KEEP ONLY BELIEVING and the fruits of the Holy spirit will effortlessly manifest.Your works will be effortless and stressless.You will no longer be working to please God,but working because God has truly pleased you.Then you will find that you are keeping Gods commands. So believe...IN WHAT??Believe that you are the righteousness of Christ APART from your works.In other are righteous not because you do good things but simply because Jesus took your sin and you received His awesome righteousness. Never forget the words in Romans 8 1..there is therefore now no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus.Friend.God sees you as righteous,if He says is so. I grew up in a church that taught mixture.God has done His part now do yours.Those days were the worst in my life.The feeling that you let God down and that He is angry with you until you do something is NOT conviction but an acceptance of condemnation.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 05:27:32 +0000

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