NOW THE POST OF THEM DESTROYING THE TWENTY SECOND VIDEO CAMERA (# 22) WHICH I JUST POSTED ON MY TIMELINE IS ERASED OFF MY TIMELINE. This is another tactic designed to destroy the credibility of the targeted individual (me) by forcing me to repeatedly repost it because it is erased from my timeline. By erasing it and then allowing it to be reposted they establish Plausible Deniability for doing it the moment I complain it is them, and this tactic has been waged against me for almost 8 years These are the high tech magic tricks I endure every day with out a camera aimed at the computer screen. CIA & DoD OPERATIVES HAVE JUST DESTROYED VIDEO CAMERA # 22 IN LESS THAN FOUR YEARS. THAT IS AN AVERAGE OF ONE CAMERA EVERY 8 WEEKS THAT THEY HAVE STOLEN, DISBLED OR DESTROYED. EVERY 8 WEEKS! This just happened at Bearded Monkey Hostel in Granada Nicaragua. Here is why they destroyed the camera: Because they knew I was going to the ear doctor tomorrow and I was going to video record what the ear doctors diagnosis and post it on the internet like I did the last ear doctors diagnosis. Because they knew I was headed to the Russian Embassy tomorrow and if there was any trouble I was going to record that and put it on the internet. WHEN DO THE CIA/DoD OPERATIVES REACH THE CONCLUSION THAT THEY MIGHT BETTER STOP DESTROYING VIDEO CAMERAS BEFORE THE WORLD REALIZES IT IS THEM DOING IT? THEY CAN DISABLE OR RE-ENABLE ANY ELECTRONIC DEVICE BY WAY OF ELETROMAGNETIC PULSE OR REVERSE ELETROMAGNETIC PULSE. WATCH THEM RE-ENABLE IT LATER TO DESTROY MY CREDIBILITY. IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT WORKING NOW. THEY WERE ABLE TO ACCESS IT BECAUSE THE CAMERA WAS CONNECTED TO MY COMPUTER CHARGING! WHEN DO THEY STOP? BEGGARS BELIEF! AUGUST 7 2104 0130 hrs
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 07:40:22 +0000

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