NOW THE WHITE SUPREMACISTS ARE AFTER MBEKI #FreeYourMind AFRICA DEFINE YOURSELF: ALL PAN AFRICAN REVOLUTIONARY HEADS OF AFRICAN STATES WHO EXPOSE AND CHALLENGE WHITE SUPREMACY AND BLACK SUBJGATION: INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT WANTS TO INDICT FORMER PRESIDENT THABO MBEKI By Senzo Scholar Source:…/…/12/15/probe-sa-s-cia-ops According to a South African newspaper called Times, an article entitled ‘Probe SAs CIA ops, former president Thabo Mbeki and his then security-cluster ministers could be hauled before the International Criminal Court over claims South Africa facilitated CIA black operations. At the time Mbekis security cluster was Ronnie Kasrils, minister of intelligence; Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, home affairs minister; Mosiuoa Lekota, defence minister; and Charles Nqakula, minister of safety and security In the mind of any reasonable pan Africanist, it is day light clear that former president Thabo Mbeki is a target because of exposing that former British prime minister ‘Tony Blair asked him (Thabo Mbeki) to help British to invade Zimbabwe and topple president Robert Mugabe. [https://facebook/] It is clear that the white supremacists have been angered by the circulation of this story and feel that president Mbeki has crossed the line and now he is the next after Muammar Gaddafi. 1. Could this be a strategic ploy to destabilise South African economy as an economic power house in Africa second to Nigeria? 2. Could this be a ploy to legitimize colonial attacking and destroying South Africa like Libya because of the South African involvement with Russia and China under the BRICS? 3. Could this be a trap to an ANC lead government in that if South Africa as a country defends and protect Mbeki from ICC indictment, so that US-British lead military attack will be employed to bomb and attack South Africa thereby destabilizing it economically; Well for those SAcans who have always argued against the significance of Pan African Struggle against the Scramble for Africa’s Resources in advancement of white supremacy and black subjugation, now the US-British invading of South Africa and military bombing is nearby. Perhaps you are going to now, appreciate the significance therefore of advancing a continental-wide united struggle against colonial and imperial Scramble for Africa’s Resources through use of militia. It seems quite elucidate that the US is fully behind the intended colonial indictment of former president Mbeki. Hence according to the times article stated above: “The move comes less than a week after the release of the US Senate intelligence committee report into the CIAs clandestine operations involving torture and renditions of terror suspects. Although in the 6 000-page committee report the names of the countries that assisted the CIA have been blacked out, the Open Source Foundation lists South Africa as one of 54 countries involved. Eleven of the countries it identifies are in Africa, including Malawi, where at least five terror suspects were reportedly arrested. The committees report states it was true that the CIA, and the US government as a whole, called on allies and friends after 9/11 to assist in the fight against international terrorism. Most of those countries approached were willing to host detention facilities on the understanding that CIA would keep their co-operation secret. Among those identified by the foundation as having been smuggled out of South Africa was Pakistani national Rashid Khalid. He was taken from his home in Estcourt, KwaZulu-Natal, in 2007 and flown out of Air Force Base Waterkloof, Pretoria, on a private plane. According to his lawyer, Zehir Omar, he was apparently held in Kenya for five months before being flown to Pakistan, where he was later released. In 2009, the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein declared Khalids rendition unlawful. Also to disappear from South Africa was Pakistani national Saud Memon, who was taken to Pakistan in March 2003. Memon was the suspected killer of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. At the time Mbekis security cluster was Ronnie Kasrils, minister of intelligence; Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, home affairs minister; Mosiuoa Lekota, defence minister; and Charles Nqakula, minister of safety and security. Omar said he would pursue his clients matter at the ICC. After Khalids disappearance I approached the ICC. They told me to exhaust all judicial avenues here. We have done that. The Supreme Court of Appeal ruled his enforced disappearance unlawful. Now, with this report .we are going to the ICC. We want the court to examine this report and the evidence including that of the then governments involvement. If there is prima facie evidence [of this] the then president, intelligence minister, home affairs minister and police minister must appear before the ICC. It will only be through this process that the true involvement of the South African government in CIA-enforced disappearances will be learnt. SA Human Rights Commission commissioner Danny Titus said: We are dealing with South Africas UN obligations against torture. We want to know exactly what South Africa is referenced to. We will discuss it with government and if needs be institute an inquiry. Omar said the ICC had an obligation to pursue criminal charges against all those allegedly involved, including Mbeki and government officials. Mbeki spokesman Mukoni Ratshitanga failed to respond to queries. Kasrils said he did not believe there was a case where we assisted the CIA or others. He said he became aware of the Khalid matter only after the fact. My understanding was that it was linked to the abuse of documents and that home affairs had a case against him. I am not sure how he left the country. It was a long time ago. If a person is being deported it doesnt follow that it would be through a civilian airport, said Kasrils. Defence Department spokesman Simphiwe Dlamini said Khalid would have been flown from the air base at the request of another government department. Mapisa-Nqakulas adviser, Mike Ramagoma, said they had responded adequately on the matter in the past. If or when an investigation occurs, the government will respond. Presidency spokesman Mac Maharaj was unable to comment.” This is an interesting and the real test for the South African government led by the African National Party (ANC). Former President Thabo Mbeki is a South African and therefore whatever he did during his tenor as the executive president of the country, he did in the best interest of all South Africans. Political common sense dictate the fact that 99% of all his international mission and undertakings were mandated by the ANC-led government, which would not be discharged without proper authorization by the ANC NEC. So in a nutshell the government leaders that the US seek to indict were all representatives of the ANC. This therefore poses a serious question into the character and the backbone of the African National Congress, and thus raises the following teething questions: 1. Will the ANC-led government defend the ANC cadres who acted in the interest of South Africa as mandated by the ANC? 2. Will the ANC defend or sell-out its cadres and die hard members to the colonial and imperial political beasts and thus allow the intended ICC indictment of former president Thabo Mbeki and his administration? In addition to the aforesaid, when the ICC wanted to indict Kenyan’s president Uhuru Kenyatta, the African Union stood united against such an indictment, and proved to have managed to have it canned. This therefore raise questions which obliges candid answers: 1. In respect of the ICC seeking to indict former president Thabo Mbeki, will the African Union defend president Thabo Mbeki or he will be sold to colonial and imperial beast just like former President Gaddafi was sold? 2. Will the African Union submit to the colonial and imperial supremacy due to the fact that most of African Union leaders are rent-seeking puppets of US? 3. Does this move to indict former President Thabo Mbeki imply that the African Union, and the ANC-led government have already been lobbied by US, and have given green light to the indictment thereof? The US and British government also tried to go after the Russian president Vladimir Putin, without any success. Given this plausible US-Attack of South Africa using former President Mbeki as a legitimate excuse, the following questions come into mind: 1. Will the Russia and China collectively or individually [subject to the request of South African government] protect and defend South Africa from this pre-destined US-lead colonial and imperial toppling of South African government and economy? 2. Will the African Union and BRICS jointly protect South Africa? In no matter of a distant future, time will reveal who’s who in this US-British led colonial and imperial planned attack of South Africa using earmarked indictment of former President Mbeki as an excuse. It will be soon very clear if ANC-led South African government will protect former president Thabo Mbeki or not. It will also be clear if the African Union and/or BRICS will also protect South Africa and more importantly it will now be very clear, if all Africans in Diasporas and in Africa are capable of coming to a united stand and say enough is enough. The question remains, “How long shall they kill our leaders” while we stand aside and look? And for those who think that this is just a hogwash and an unfounded political hypothesis, I wish to piggy back on the prudent words of our late Pan African Revolutionary Icon, Marcus Garvey, where he averred - ““We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because whilst others might free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind.” By seeing in advance all the neo-colonial and neo-imperial covert political manoeuvres employed to legitimise any colonial and imperial Scramble for Africa’s Resources through the militia, is part of emancipating ourselves from mental slavery. If we always see colonial and imperial beasts for what they are really are, only aftermath, and where irreversible damages have been done, then indeed as Africans in Africa and in Diasporas we not emancipated from mental slavery attained through neo-colonial and neo-imperial stratagem and political ploys. It is very interesting that the US-British led invasion of South Africa had to wait for the passing away of former President Mandela....This timing issues raise more questions than answers. Aluta Continua!!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 19:31:16 +0000

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