NOW THEN, WE (CHRISTIANS) ARE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST, AS THOUGH GOD WERE PLEADING THROUGH US: WE IMPLORE YOU ON CHRISTS HEHALF, BE RECONCILED TO GOD. Can you stil preach the Gospel? Can you tell a sinner that Christ saved? The whole world were in a big problem, Sin is the problem and Christ is the only Solution for it. Christ now sent all Christians to Preach the Gospel to every creature {Mark-16:15-16}, and Not to be looking for people or church to Judge{Mathew-7:1-2}. What is the meaning of Gospel? Gospel mean a GodNews. To tell a Sinner that Christ saved. But most of the Christians had forgotten their duty to (PREACH THE GOSPEL), and started doing what is not concerning them (JUDGE). It is fearful that some Christian were even saying there is no real a Christian in this generation. You have not Preach the Godnews yet but badnews. And It mean they themselves are not a Christian. You failed to preach the Gospeal to the Sinners but your own is to Judged. You failed to try your best on the Backslider if God can restore them through you but your own is to Judged. You dont suport the righteous or to encourage them in one way or other for them to be doing great more in the Lord but your own is to Judged. REMEBER THAT YOU ARE A FAILURE CHRISTIAN because CHRIST did not sent you to Judge but to Preach the Gospel. If there is no a true Christian in this generation, but why cant you be a true Christian and so that people can be through you! A Candidate of heaven were those who keep the comandment. They Preach the Gospel and live by it. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he/she is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new {2Corintians-5:17}. Let a new life begin in you. A life that Preach the Gospel, a life that always ready for Rapture. A life that will never tired or be discouraged. A life full of mercy and concern about others. I PRAY, MAY THE GRACE OF THE LORD BE SUFFICIENCE FOR US ALL TO BE A SUCCESSFUL CHRISTIAN IN JESUS NAME.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:23:02 +0000

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