NOW you know WHY the Issues with Police killing - TopicsExpress


NOW you know WHY the Issues with Police killing Nubians[Blacks,Negros, Colored, African-American] are an Issue ALL through the U.S./U.S.A Corporations and WHY Barack Obama, Congressional Black Caucus(CBC), U.S. Congress, Justice Department etc. are not doing ANYTHING FOR Nubians[MISNOMER: Black, Colored, Negro, African-American] and they WONT - BLACK HAS NO STANDING AT LAW -is because 2015-2024 is the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent see: and ; The North American Corporations/Governments( United States/United States of America/Canada/Mexico) using the Police Agencies as an instrument and the Insurance Companies who Insure the Police Departments that Operating on Turtle Island WITHOUT Indigenous Permission see: are MAD because of the Program for the UN Decade of Peoples of African Descent page 7, section 17 (b),(c),(d) --- : (b) Designing, implementing and enforcing effective measures to eliminate the phenomenon popularly known as “racial profiling”; (c) Eliminating institutionalized stereo types concerning people of African descent and applying appropriate sanctions against law enforcement officials who act on the basis of racial profiling; (d) Ensuring that people of African descent have full access to effective protection and remedies through the competent national tribunals and other State institutions against any acts of racial discrimination, and the right to seek from such tribunals just and adequate reparation or satisfaction for any damage suffered as a result of such discrimination
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:13:25 +0000

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