NOW – Study the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation Chapter by - TopicsExpress


NOW – Study the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation Chapter by Chapter – save and share this chapter by chapter commentary with others! Choose to let your light shine for Christ has called you to be “the light of the world!” (Matthew 5:14) . DANIEL AND REVELATION by Uriah Smith – Chapter by Chapter . “The grand instruction contained in DANIEL AND REVELATION has been eagerly perused by many in Australia. This book has been the means of bringing many precious souls to a knowledge of the truth. Everything that can be done should be done to circulate Thoughts on Daniel and Revelation. I know of no other book that can take the place of this one. It is Gods helping hand.”--MS 76, 1901. {Publishing Ministry, page 356} . “Instruction has been given me that the important books containing the light that God has given regarding Satans apostasy in heaven should be given a wide circulation just now; for through them the truth will reach many minds. Patriarchs and Prophets, DANIEL AND THE REVELATION, and THE GREAT CONTROVERSY are needed now as never before. THEY SHOULD BE WIDELY CIRCULATED BECAUSE THE TRUTHS THEY EMPHASIZE WILL OPEN MANY BLIND EYES.... Many of our people have been blind to the importance of the very books that were most needed. Had tact and skill then been shown in the sale of these books, the Sunday-law movement would not be where it is today.--CM 123. {Publishing Ministry, page 356} . (Large print used for emphasis as bold doesn’t appear available on Face book.) . “The results of the circulation of this book [The Great Controversy] are not to be judged by what now appears. By reading it, some souls will be aroused, and will have courage to unite themselves at once with those who keep the commandments of God. But A MUCH LARGER NUMBER WHO READ IT WILL NOT TAKE THEIR POSITION UNTIL THEY SEE THE VERY EVENTS TAKING PLACE THAT ARE FORETOLD IN IT. The fulfillment of some of the predictions will inspire faith that others also will come to pass, and when the earth is lightened with the glory of the Lord, in the closing work, many souls will take their position on the commandments of God as the result of this agency.” {Publishing Ministry, page 356} . God gave me the light contained in THE GREAT CONTROVERSY and Patriarchs and Prophets and this light was needed to arouse the people to prepare for the great day of God, which is just before us. These books contain Gods direct appeal to the people. Thus HE IS SPEAKING TO THE PEOPLE IN STIRRING WORDS, URGING THEM TO MAKE READY FOR HIS COMING. The light God has given in these books should not be concealed. -- {Publishing Ministry, page 357} DANIEL AND REVELATION BY URIAH SMITH – chapter by chapter – A commentary on all twelve chapters of Daniel and All 22 chapters of Revelation – Share these 34 chapter links with all your friends – highlight, copy and paste this into emails and send it out – Most of this commentary is very accurate – focus on Daniel 2, 7-9; Daniel 12:1-3; Revelation 12-18 and Revelation 6 and 7 and Revelation 3:14-21! . SAVE THIS IN FILE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE! Learn God’s last Warning message – Prepare for the coming world-wide crisis such as it was in the days of Noah – God is calling you to give the warning. You are the watchman on the wall – Ezekiel 3:17-20. . https://youtube/watch?v=jQFgESO2BEQ . https://facebook/groups/186755384854355/ join and distribute . People today want to know – “What’s going to happen in the future? When you drive down a dark road on a dark night you have the same question and so you turn on your headlights and your headlights reveal about a half mile into the future where you will soon be so you can avoid an accident. Without your headlights you are driving blindly and will surely have an accident and possible be killed. God has made you “the light of the world” Matthew 5:14. He is calling you to learn and share your knowledge of Bible prophecy with others. He is calling you to be “a light that shines in a dark place, until” He returns. I wrote Prophecy Made Easy and put it into EASY ENGLISH so people could quickly understand God’s last warning message. You can read it for FREE at prophecymadeeasy and share this link with others. Noah was God’s “light that shines in a dark place” in his generation and God is calling you to do for others what Noah did for those in his generation. You may also buy a hard copy from the Adventist Book Center on line or Amazon. . Share Daniel and Revelation with others via Facebook and email – God is calling you to plant the seeds (Luke 8:11) of His Word in the hearts of men and women, boys and girls to prepare them for the harvest at the end of the world (Matthew 13:39). . DANIEL AND REVELATION BY URIAH SMITH – CHAPTER BY CHAPTER . FOREWORD --- champs-of-truth/books/dr/foreword.htm . INTRODUCTION --- champs-of-truth/books/dr/intro_daniel.htm . DANIEL 1. --- A CAPTIVE IN BABYLONS ROYAL COURT----- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_i.htm . **DANIEL 2. THE KING DREAMS OF WORLD EMPIRES---- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_ii.htm . DANIEL 3. INTEGRITY TESTED BY FIRE---- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_iii.htm . DANIEL 4. THE MOST HIGH RULETH---- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_iv.htm . DANIEL 5. THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL---- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_v.htm . DANIEL 6. DANIEL IN THE LIONS DEN---- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_vi.htm . **DANIEL 7. THE STRUGGLE FOR WORLD DOMINION---- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_vii.htm . **DANIEL 8. THE WORLD ARRAIGNED BEFORE THE COURT OF HEAVEN--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_viii.htm . **DANIEL 9. A PROPHETIC YARDSTICK SPANS THE CENTURIES---- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_ix.htm . DANIEL 10. God Intervenes in World Affairs---- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_x.htm ; DANIEL 11. Unrolling the Scroll of the Future---- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_xi.htm . **DANIEL 12. HISTORYS COMING CLIMAX---- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_xii.htm . REVELATION I. THE DIVINE METHOD OF PROPHETIC REVELATION--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_i.htm . REVELATION 2. THE LETTERS OF JESUS TO THE CHURCHES--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_ii.htm . **REVELATION 3. BEHOLD, I STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK--- HTTP://WWW.CHAMPS-OF-TRUTH.COM/BOOKS/DR/REV_CHAPTER_III.HTM . REVELATION 4. BEFORE THE THRONE OF GOD---- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_iv.htm . REVELATION 5. THE CHALLENGE OF THE SEALED BOOK--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_v.htm . **REVELATION 6. BREAKING THE SEALS ON THE BOOK OF PROPHECY--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_vi.htm . **REVELATION 7. THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_vii.htm . REVELATION 8. THE COLLAPSE OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_viii.htm . REVELATION 9. THE MOSLEM WORLD IN PROPHECY--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_ix.htm . REVELATION 10. THE WORLD-WIDE PROCLAMATION OF THE SECOND ADVENT --- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_x.htm . REVELATION 11. THE BATTLE BETWEEN THE BIBLE AND ATHEISM--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xi.htm . **REVELATION 12. THE BACKGROUND OF RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xii.htm . **REVELATION 13. THE AGELONG STRUGGLE FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xiii.htm . **REVELATION 14. GODS FINAL WARNING TO A WICKED WORLD--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xiv.htm . **REVELATION 15. PREPARING THE VIALS OF DIVINE WRATH--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xv.htm . **REVELATION 16. SEVEN PLAGUES DEVASTATE THE EARTH--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xvi.htm . **REVELATION 17. A WORLD UNION OF CHURCH AND STATE--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xvii.htm . **REVELATION 18. THE DOOM OF MODERN BABYLON--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xviii.htm . REVELATION 19. KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xix.htm . REVELATION 20. THE WORLDS MILLENNIAL NIGHT--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xx.htm . REVELATION 21. A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xxi.htm . REVELATION 22. PEACE AT LAST--- champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xxii.htm . May God richly bless you. Meet me in heaven – The Son of God loves you so very much that He took the suffering your sins deserve so you and I could have the life He deserves – what amazing LOVE! Love will win – you will love Christ and you and I will forever love each other as brothers and sisters. Heaven begins right here so I can honestly tell you I want to have you as an eternal everlasting friend. Ask Jesus to fill us with His Holy Spirit Power so we can share His message of love with others We will travel the universe, visiting other worlds (Hebrews 1:2) with the same speed and strength as the angels, for we will be “as the angels.” Matthew 22:30. We will live in a mansion Christ is preparing for us and also build houses (John 14:1-3; Isaiah 65:21-25. We will also sit with Christ on His throne as part of His government of the entire universe! – Revelation 3:21. We have some awesome adventures ahead of us. You and I will love Jesus who bled and suffered and died to forgive our sins and we will also forever love each other as part of the royal family of God. God, in the form of Jesus Christ will be your eternal, everlasting friend and brother and forever part of the human family. He will wipe away all tears from your eyes with His own nail pierced hand and tell you face to face of His great love for you. OH WHAT A WONDERFUL FUTURE! . https://facebook/groups/186755384854355/ JOIN and find the rest of the chapters of Prophecy Made Easy – put them together in a file if you want to see how it all fits together – Experience tomorrow’s news TODAY! “When we’ve been there 10,000 years, bright shining like the sun, We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise then when we first begun! (Matthew 13:43; Daniel 12:3). . Your everlasting friend, Glen Walker . prophecymadeeasy
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 13:26:40 +0000

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