NRM AND M7 ARE DETOOTHERS. Today is the 28th anniversary of - TopicsExpress


NRM AND M7 ARE DETOOTHERS. Today is the 28th anniversary of NRMs capture of power in Uganda. NRM apologists tell us that the main legacy of this event is the fact that the country is at peace. That may be true, but in my opinion it misses the main reason why there was strife in the first place. As far as Buganda, where I come from is concerned, the people did not rebel against the government to restore peace but rather peace was absent due to the fact that Baganda withdrew their support and cooperation with the UPC Government. This inevitably led to tension between the region and the government, escalated when the government forces began to to brutalize the civilian population. Several armed rebel groups as a result sprung up in the region of which NRA was one. So Baganda did not fight to get peace. That could have easily been attained by negotiations with the UPC government and simple pledges to cooperate from the side of Buganda. After all tranquility reigned supreme in other parts of the country where UPC enjoyed support. So again Buganda rebelled not because she lacked peace but to restore her dignity,prestige and honour(Ekitiibwa) of which she had been stripped in 1966. In particular Baganda wanted autonomy and the right to self determination and many mistakenly thought that NRM and M7 were the best to deliver it. The rest is history as they say and we have peace-a superficial peace because Buganda is still disgruntled because she has been hoodwinked by NRM, while she was still sleeping an NRM-induced peaceful sleep.In modern Ugandan parlance we can say she has been detoothed. Wamma ddala Museveni mukuuzi nnyo!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 22:01:37 +0000

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