NRM Party youth are here with me at Naguru asking me run 2016 or - TopicsExpress


NRM Party youth are here with me at Naguru asking me run 2016 or back former Prime Minister Hon.Amaama Mbabazi or expand my support to Rtd.Maj.Gen.Mugisha Muntu this is their story. MBABAZI NRM TEAM TO DUMP HIM OVER PAY. Members of the ruling national resistance movement who are pro -Amama Mbabazi for presidency have decried the way he has handled them ever since they started mobilizing for his support in the Western region. The Pro Mbabazi group includes district councilors from western region under their umbrella body of National Local government Councilors Association (NALCA) who have since formed the Mbabazi western brigade to mobilize support for the former sucked prime minister and ousted NRM party secretary General John Patrick Amama Mbabazi in the presidential bid 2016 against his former boss also party chairman Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Recently the Mbabazi western brigade travelled represented by members from Ntungamo, and greater Mbarara travelled to Kololo at Mbabazi posh residence and endorsed him as the sole candidate come 2016 days before the party held their national delegates conference at Mandela national stadium Nambole which saw him being replaced with Justine Kasule Lumumba. One of the brigade members told Red pepper that ever since they started the hunt for his support across the region they have never been paid adding that they use their resources to hold meetings and travelling to different districts for the mobilization. “Some of us we even did not enjoy the Christmas festive celebration because we were broke as our money we had in our pockets we spent it in the process expecting for something in this period but all was in vain.” One of the brigade members told red pepper. He added that they were told that Mbabazi and his family who spent Christmas in their upcountry home in Karubeizi Nyakinoni sub county Kanungu district also did not have money and were always told to wait. He said Mrs. Jacqueline Mbabazi whom Mbabazi always refer to them any time they ask for anything has not been helpful as she always tells them to be patient which they said has turned some of the members into poor after using all their resources to mobilize support for the husband. A source also added that the Mbabazi pledge to give their National Local government Councilors Association (NALCA) whopping one billion to party councilors to popularize his flag bearer bid in their respective district has turned to be an empty promise. A source said ever since the pledge was made by the Mbabazi family to the councilor’s efforts to get the money has been not fruitful as Jacqueline Mbabazi who was supposed to deliver the money has never communicated to them on the issue ever since they forwarded the report to her. The Mbabazi pledge was announced at the end of a one day meeting for National Local government Councilors Association (NALCA which was held at hotel InterTropical in Nakulabye Rubaga division on November 27 2014 where Jacqueline Mbabazi was also expected to be the keynote speaker. This followed after Mrs. Jacqueline Mbabazi who is clandestinely leading Mbabazi campaign informed councilors to convene a meeting for the executive and harmonize the budget for the nation wide popularization of the project to other councilors. In the same meeting Mbabazi also offered to fund sh 15m for board members of the NALCA where every member parted with sh.350,000/= at the end of the meeting and promised them salary increment if elected the president 2016. The councilors said they are tired empty promises to increase their emolument by president Museveni in the previous budgets but nothing is allocated to them. The councilors also said they are demanding for the promotion of internal democracy in party saying that they cannot let the president become the party chairman and then get powers to appoint the secretary general and other party workers. “We wanted to ask him at state house in a meeting but he did not allow questions, but we shall vote issues and democracy.” Said Muhumuza. The executive board members said they all a greed to surrender their..........................................................
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 10:27:44 +0000

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