NSA asked Verizon for records of all calls in the U.S. For years, - TopicsExpress


NSA asked Verizon for records of all calls in the U.S. For years, civil liberties groups have alleged that the United States was engaged in “dragnet” surveillance of Americans’ phone calls. But because U.S. surveillance activity is shrouded in secrecy, they haven’t had proof. Now they appear to. A major scoop from Glenn Greenwald at the Guardian appears to prove that the National Security Agency has been demanding that Verizon produce calling records of all phone calls made in the United States. The leaked legal order requires Verizon to produce, “on an ongoing daily basis,” records of calls “between the United States and abroad” as well as “wholly within the United States, including local calls.” The data sought by the NSA includes “originating and terminating telephone numbers,” and the time and duration of each call. The order does not request the contents of the calls. The four-page order is dated April 25 and signed by Judge Roger Vinson, a judge of the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. It is marked “top secret” and is due to expire on July 19 unless it is renewed. It bans Verizon from disclosing the order to anyone other than those employees needed to comply with the order and an attorney. “This confirms what we had long suspected,” says Cindy Cohn, an attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a civil liberties organization that has long accused the government of operating a secret dragnet surveillance program. “We’ve been suing over this since 2006.” washingtonpost/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/06/05/nsa-asked-verizon-for-records-of-all-calls-in-the-u-s/
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 13:00:08 +0000

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