NSW ALP TO STOP CSG UNTIL PROVEN SAFE! OFARRELL NEEDS TO GO FURTHER AND HALT ALL COAL SEAM GAS EXPLORATION AND MINING IN NSW The NSW Opposition has today welcomed the decision to place a temporary suspension on the issuing of new Coal Seam Gas exploration licences – but called on the Premier to go further and halt all CSG operations across NSW. The NSW Opposition has been calling on the OFarrell Liberal Government to suspend all current CSG exploration licenses, cease issuing CSG extraction licenses and refuse any applications to expand existing operations until a water-tight regulatory framework is in place based on independent scientific research and conclusive evidence. This is a start to addressing the serious community concerns around CSG mining – but is only a temporary measure and does not go far enough,” Opposition Leader John Robertson said. “This is an acknowledgement from the Premier that there are legitimate problems with CSG mining – but it is curious that it has taken the government three years to realise this and take limited action. “If the government were serious about taking real action to address concerns over CSG mining they would immediately adopt the Labor Opposition’s strong stance and move to immediately suspend all activities. Labor wants to ensure our local communities and precious natural resources, including our aquifers, water catchments and high value agricultural and conservation lands, are protected from Coal Seam Gas. Mr Robertson said today’s announcement seems to contradict the words of the Energy Minister Anthony Roberts only weeks ago were he endorsed CSG mining as the only way forward for NSW: “The coal-seam industry is certainly a key solution to our energy problems in NSW. The coal-seam gas industry is crucial for our economic viability, crucial for the fact we can no longer afford to import 95 per cent of gas from interstate. It is just not sustainable.” (Anthony Roberts, Press Conference, 17 February 2014) “If the community is to believe this is anything more than a token announcement from the O’Farrell Liberal Government – then Barry O’Farrell should adopt Labor’s position today,” Mr Robertson said. Mr Robertson said Liberal and Nationals MPs will have an opportunity tomorrow to demonstrate they are serious about protecting our vital water catchments from CSG mining by voting in favour of Labor’s bill in Parliament. Labor has a bill before NSW Parliament that bans all coal seam gas activity and operations - including exploration activity - in the Sydney Catchment Authority Special Areas to protect our precious water resources MEDIA CONTACT: JOSH MCINTOSH 0400014185
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 22:24:00 +0000

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