NUGGET OF GOLD If you never become yourself, then you will never - TopicsExpress


NUGGET OF GOLD If you never become yourself, then you will never know yourself, can never describe your real self, can never enjoy yourself, and can never reproduce yourself. One of the best ways to live in joy and freedom is to be yourself in your efforts to develop, educate yourself, use your talents and gifts, acquire money and property, and succeed in life. God effectively uses people who become themselves in Him without any undue imitations and pretenses. Try to honestly be yourself in all aspects of life (for Facebook photos and statements or ‘likes’; e-mails; phone conversation; presentations; giving of gifts; donations; church or school and other radio or television and public performances; ministry; use of money; purchases; projects you undertake; business transactions; dating or courtship; engagement and wedding plans; marriage; all other relationships etc.). In this life, you cannot imitate or pretend for too long without an ultimate exposure of what you really are. For example, forcing to use all means to speak, plan, think, and act exactly like the preacher, politician, orator, boss, employee, teacher, student, husband, wife, fiancée, professional, friend, or leader you admire, could end up making you a frustrated buffoon or a fake caricature displaying on an imaginary, false, or unrealistic platform. That is not the best way to influence people, become productive, and succeed in life. Each of us is unique, so don’t force to be like someone else, although we can draw inspiration from the achievements of others, and emulate their good examples. Striving to be what you are not, will make you a hypocritical square peg in a round hole. As we instruct and equip people, let us be careful not to train people to be something that they are not. Avoid creating paths that will hinder your true growth, development, maturity, and fruitfulness. And, let us desist from setting up people for failure by mounting any form of peer pressure on them to become only what will please us without any freedom for them to “become themselves” and patiently or willingly develop at their appropriate and destined rates, according to their God-given gifts, temperaments, and total make-up. By Dr. Samuel Kisseadoo, Professor of Biology in Virginia. Ordained Licensed Minister, International Evangelist. Relationships, Marriage, and Family Counselor. Founder and President of Fruitful Ministries International Inc. E-mail: kisseadoo@msn. Website for resources: fruitfulministriesint. You are invited to like my Community Page: FM Int. Inc. Call me in Virginia on 1-757-7289330 (or call 233-20-8126533; 233-276322982 or 233-208209567 in Ghana) for free counseling, prayer, programs, messages, or books. Look for my books at Challenge Bookstores in Accra and other places, or Baptist bookstore opposite Anglican High School in Kumasi. Tune in to JOY 99.7 FM in Accra, Ghana to listen to Dr. Kisseadoo’s weekly broadcast “Hope For Your Family” on Sat. 5:30am-6am (Ghana time) or 12:30am-1am US Eastern Time in Nov - March. Access on Internet with MYJOYONLINE.COM. Use ‘Dr. Samuel Kisseadoo’ to search RedLeadBooks or Amazon for some of my books. In Ghana, call Tigo or Airtel 545 and follow the prompts for daily inspirational messages of Dr. Kisseadoo. Permission granted to freely share but with acknowledgement.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 09:22:51 +0000

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