NUGGETS by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (December 15, - TopicsExpress


NUGGETS by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (December 15, 2014) PATCHWORK MYSTERIES: FAMILY PATTERNS by Kristin Eckhardt (published in 2010 by Guideposts: New York) Chapter Eleven Continued. Really, not too bad, Sarah replied, considering how many years its been in that secret passageway. Theres moth damage on several of the fabric pieces. Some I can fix, but others will have to be replaced. The binding is in bad shape and there are loose threads to sew up. Vanessa grinned. Thats your specialty. I really want to do a good job on this one, Vanessa. Her throat caught and she had to pause a moment to collect herself. When I told Dad about finding the quilt, he started reminiscing about his mother and how she used to sing to him. Your poor father, Vanessa said. Did it upset him to have the subject brought up again after all this time? Sarah shook her head. I dont think so. It seemed to bring back some good memories for him, like the singing and the cookies she used to bake for him. Im starting to understand why this project is so special to you. Sarah nodded. Im giving the quilt to my father after Ive finished restoring it. It will warm his body on chilly days and warm his heart just knowing it was made by his mother. Tears shone in Vanessas eyes and she placed a hand on her chest. That is so sweet. Im sure hell love it. I think he will. I just hope I can find out what happened to the woman who made it. You will, Vanessa proclaimed. I have every faith. Sarah set down her empty tea cup. Then Id better get to work. Vanessa rose from her chair. What do you need to get started? Thread and some binding material. I think Ill pick up some light blue flannel, too, if you have any. Thats what she used for the backing. Have you cleaned the quilt yet? Not yet. Thats the next step in the process. I hope youre recording this restoration. I am. Its a family heirloom and I want all of my grandchildren to know the history behind it. Vanessa took a step toward her. It would also make a wonderful presentation. Ive been meaning to ask you to give a workshop about vintage quilt restoration for my customers. The notebook would be a wonderful way to show them how it all works, especially with the quilts backstory. I dont know... Sarah imagined presenting the quilts story without a resolution to the mystery. She couldnt face a roomful of people speculating that Grandpa Noah had murdered his wife. She couldnt let that happen. Nothing was going to stop her from solving this mystery. Just think about it, Vanessa said. Okay, Ill think about it, Sarah promised. Now Id better get those supplies and head home. I cant wait to get started restoring my dads quilt. When Sarah arrived home, the wind practically blew her into the house and she couldnt have been happier about it. She retrieved the quilt from the sewing room and carried it to the backyard, where she attached it to the clothesline with wooden clothespins. Shed finished documenting the individual fabric pieces on the quilt top last night, and now she wanted to freshen it up. Wind was one of the best tools for cleaning a vintage quilt. It not only aired the quilt out, but it removed much of the dust that had settled into the fabric pieces over the years. Sarah made certain the quilt was well fastened on the line before she walked back to the house. Katies car was parked on the street, but there had been no sign of her downstairs. That meant she was still holed up in her room. Sarah hoped she was getting a lot of work done on her thesis. When she entered the kitchen, she started putting together the ingredients for the organic buttermilk soap she intended to use to wet wash certain stains on the quilt. The last thing she wanted to do was damage the fabrics in any way, so she was being very careful every step of the way. As she stood at the kitchen counter, she looked out the window, gratified to see the wind whipping the quilt about. Gods washing machine, Sarah mused as she pulled a large mixing bowl from the cupboard. Then she retrieved a quart of low fat buttermilk from the refrigerator. She poured the entire carton of buttermilk into the bowl, then added a gallon of water and a tablespoon of lemon juice. She stirred the milky concoction together, then pushed the bowl aside to let it set.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 00:54:54 +0000

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