NUGS TO AWARD NANA ADDO DANQUAH AKUFO-ADDO AS GHANA’S STATEMAN OF THE DECADE The National Union of Ghana Students has played an enviable role in the democratic dispensation of this country and recognizes its responsibility to conscientize the nation on the virtues of productive citizenry. In this respect, we the Ghanaian students actively witnessed the height of the test of the Ghanaian Judicial Service with the recent election petition case brought forward by Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo. The petition exposed enormously the inequities in our electoral process which likely affected the individual and collective will of the Ghanaian people at the polls. The petition also provided a sustainable framework to settle disputes sparked out of Presidential Elections in Ghana. The then candidate, Akufo-Addo resisted the character assassination by his political detractors and with stoicism demonstrated his intense affinity to the democracy he fought for during the dictatorial era of coup d’états and finally the selfless contribution of same in the promulgation of the 1992 constitutional democratic process. He accepted the verdict of the Supreme Court in good faith and encouraged the Ghanaian people to endeavor to a path that builds. On the 11th of October at Erata Hotel, we welcome the good conscience of the Ghanaian people to join the students of Ghana to confer on Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo, the highest award of the students of Ghana in the 47-year history of NUGS. We are hopeful that there is more for him to contribute to the Ghanaian people and the coming years offer enough avenue for him to contribute his quota in the development and governance of Ghana. NUGS wishes him well. NUGS through this medium also calls on Government to relinquish the burden imposed on students by the recent rise in utility prices and also water especially at the time that the economy seems to be in a bad shape. We therefore endorse the demonstration of the Progressive Peoples Party (PPP) to drum home the demand in cutting these unfavorable prices hikes. Signed Andrews Kofi Gyan (NUGS President) Louisa Atta-Agyemang (NUGS General Secretary)
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 08:07:47 +0000

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