NUMEROLOGY PREDICTIONS FOR 8/4/2014 TUESDAY =========================================== NUMBER 1,10,19,28 Avoid ego conflicts n rift of opinions with your seniors n elders. Drive more carefully .Due to favour of luck,U might gain some recognition in field of politics n social service pursuits.Dealers of white colored objects might gain better. NUMBER 2,11,20,29 The day is fine for assertion n stability,research pursuits,media,transportation,deal of diamonds,vehicles, iron n building material;but maintain a cool mind today n guard against heat n fire.Dont transact property today. NUMBER 3,12,31,30 You will enjoy enhanced social say and professional stability.The day is fine for surgeons,property dealers,architects n deal of multi colored precious stones,diamonds,building material n agricultural land.Spiritual mentors,publishers,photo journalists,defence n judicial services will be more comfortable today. NUMBER 4,13,22,31 Drive carefully n postpone buying vehicles today.Avoid ego conflicts as well.Care more for viewpoint of your elders n try to seek their blessings.Focus on daily routine with a cool mind. NUMBER 5,14,23 Avoid initiation of judicial n property deals today n retain a cool mind;.Dont ignore traffic rules n be more careful in driving.Dont undergo surgery today. NUMBER 6,15,24 Personal efforts wont fetch any significant change in your status.Avoid initiation of property deals n judicial proceedings today.Retain a cool mind. NUMBER 7,16,25 You will enjoy social n professional stability today.The day favours for research pursuits,media,transportation, deal of building material.Guard against heat n fire n maintain a cool mind.Dont deal in property n avoid initiating judicial cases related to property . NUMBER 8,17,26 Your social n professional status will be more sound today.The day is fine for ,photo journalists,publishers of religious literature,media,research scholars, study of occult sciences,philosophy n spiritual pursuits.Avoid indulgence in political n administrative clash of opinions. NUMBER 9,18,27 Your social say will enhance n professional status will be glorious as well.The day is fine for media n for deal of agricultural land,arms n ammunition,multi colored items, fine for agriculturists, photographersspiritual mentors,surgeons,,defence n judicial services ====================================================================== These are generalized daily predictions based on ur birth number n luck number.For personalized predictions,ur running month n year also is to be considered. FOR CALCULATING UR BIRTH NUMBER N LUCK NUMBER, PL BROWSE KNOW UR NUMBER IN OUR SITE FOR NUMEROLOGY numeropath RAJNI CHHABRA Sr. CONSULTANT numeropath
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 03:33:53 +0000

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