NUTRITIONAL ADVICE AFTER PRAYER & FASTING So many churches began the year 2015 with fasting and prayers, and as the month is winding up, so many churches(i.e Winners Chapel) are rounding up the Spiritual Empowerment. Der4, the purpose of this article is to give nutritional advice to everyone that have participated in the prayer & fasting season. Here is a story of a young man, who worship in Winners Chapel Worldwide. Hes been addicted to fasting & prayer, even before he fully gave his life to CHRIST. Hes been into 7days fast, 3days dry-fast, but has never tried fasting for 21days. When the 21days fasting & prayer was announced in his church, he decided not to miss any of it. The first week was a walk-over for him, because hes fasted for seven days severally. But the second week was like hell for him. His best companion was his wristwatch, alwaix checking the time, complaining that the movement of the time is too slow, wishing he could fast-forward the time. The third week was worse than the second, but he learnt to alwaix pray for strength, which eventually helped him through. The next day after the 21days of prayer & fasting, he took a normal plate of rice as early as 8am to quickly meet an appointment at Iwo-Ibadan. He didnt know that his body system have changed, it has adapted to NOT eating breakfast & even lunch, and so, it has to be gradually taught how to eat breakfast & lunch again. He suffered the most uncomfortable day of his life, his belly walls pierced him as if he swallowed needles. He couldnt excrete, couldnt urinate, nor vomit, yet his stomach was very big and it pierced him sooooo much. So much that he couldnt give the speech in the presentation he went for, at Iwo-Ibadan. He had to check out of his hotel, and return home that night, to be taken care of. He was finally able to excrete at around 2am, and felt so much relief. He learnt the lesson of his life. He learnt never to rush his body system again, but to allow it adjust gradually to changes. Our bodies are very elastic. It easily adapt to changes. The body that have stayed for several days wi2out breakfast & lunch, have adapted to the system of NOT taking breakfast & lunch, and should be gradually trained to adapt to taking it again. For example, it is not advisable to devour a bowl of EBA after fasting for 21days or thereabout. The first thing the body requires is fruits & vegetables, which will build the immune system that works with the gastro, that enables the gastro to secrete the necessary fluid, known as gastric acid, which must have been lacking proper secretion due to improper feeding. It is the gastric acid that works on the food we take in, to avoid improper digestion, like the case of the young man in the story above. So, lets not rush into eating heavy meals or even normal meals after fasting for several days. Lets start with water, water-melon, and gradually progress to food like potatoes(NOT YAM), rice and other lighter meals. Lets avoid eating heavy meals(like Beans, Eba, Fufu and so on) for 48-72hours, in order to avoid stomach all kinds of stomach injuries...BE WISE...!!! oLuWaDaMiLaRe gRaZe aKaNji
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:09:53 +0000

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