#NUTSHELL – JANUARY 1st — PERCEPTION MAY NOT BE TRUTH – Isaiah 55:8-9: As a college freshman a young man went out for track. He had no athletic ability, though his father, in his day had been a medal winner in “the mile.” The freshman’s first competition was a two-man race in which he ran against the school champ. He was badly beaten. Not wanting to disappoint his father the boy wrote home as follows: “You will be happy to know that I ran against Bill Williams, the best miler in school. He came in next to last, but I came in second.” We know there are some things in our lives that aren’t up to par, and even acknowledge the need for change. Still we quietly continue to manipulate the truth of what it means to be a “Fully Devoted Follower.” We justify our actions as not being “that bad,” while in reality we don’t clearly realize our greater need for spiritual transformation. Isaiah 55:8-9: “MY thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” We must see the need for change and that our oppression can be relieved if only we choose to fight. Our spiritual lives are no different; it is a matter of seeing our lifestyle through the eyes of almighty God, then coming to terms with that. Through prayer and Bible study, we allow Him access to prompt the changes. We need to step back and ask ourselves a difficult question…”How does my life look from God’s perspective?” Spiritual transformation isn’t about personal perspective or self-justification; it is a matter of understanding God’s perspective on the life of an already justified Believer. Spirit-led change is grace at work through our desire to worship Him more fully. Look honestly at things that hinder deeper worship of Him. It’s those barriers that reveal where change should begin. “Create in me a clean heart, O God…” (Psalm...
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:49 +0000

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