#NUTSHELL – JULY 22nd — BETTER TO GIVE THAN RECEIVE – Hebrews 10:23-26: Isn’t it a great thing that as believers we do not have to walk up a long set of steps or climb a tall steeple, to draw closer to God. You only need to gather into a Christian Community (church) through worship and service to enjoy the deepest fellowship possible; the fellowship of the Body of Christ with the Head of the church, Jesus Christ Himself. Stepping into a building built for Christ-followers to assemble to honor Him is a great thing. But stepping into the Community of Faith as part of His body is far better. We should assume as Christ-followers that if God leads you to attend a particular church, it is for the purpose of joining (formally or informally) and serving whole-heartedly. Because every healthy church is growing with expanding needs, you should look for an opportunity to serve that matches your gifts, talents, abilities, experience and personality (Ephesians 4:11-13; Romans 12:3-8; 1 Peter 4:10-11). Yes, we attend church to be fed and built up in faith, but that feeding and building is ultimately to equip us for the joyful privilege of feeding and building up others by serving. I have observed the healthiest people in a church are those who are giving of their time, talent and treasure; not those who are receiving the most. If you are not sure where to begin serving at CrossRoads Fellowship or your own church, think about who God has made you to be – how He has equipped you with skills and gifts. Whatever your skill-set and spiritual giftedness, there is a place for you to serve in your local church fellowship. Community is waiting for you as you find your “Sweet Spot” of service in His Church.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:01:31 +0000

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