NWO: DOMINO EFFECT (2013 Full Documentary) - A film by Mark - TopicsExpress


NWO: DOMINO EFFECT (2013 Full Documentary) - A film by Mark Howitt. + Cobras Who Are The Core Members of the Cabal? (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). Video Link: youtu.be/plIaMABtmKA NWO: DOMINO EFFECT (2013) - Published on 5 May 2013 DVD versions now available for anyone having trouble viewing film, and everyone who cannot watch on mobile: ebay.ca/itm/161115400848?s... Its time to bring down the house of cards by exposing the largest and most deadly criminal organization on the planet. Mark Howitt presents some of the most important problems that threaten the human race and explains solutions that are simple and achievable for everyone in the world. Each problem, or domino, is placed in line so that you can see what is really happening as a result of the empire that has a grip on the world. At the end, it all comes crashing down like a ton of bricks. NWO Domino Effect provides mountains of evidence of premeditated murder, genocide, crimes against humanity, deception, lies and government corruption. It is a view from deep within the rabbit hole and is the silver bullet, the Deathblow to the New World Order. This documentary was created in an attempt to abolish this structure and show humanity how easy it is to transition and make the changes necessary for our continued survival. The artistic approach and in depth information presented in this documentary is truly shocking and yet inspirational, giving hope to humanity to give them the tools, strength and wisdom needed to take back the control of their own life. This film should change the way you look at life, and therefore change the world as you know it as a result. If the information in this film does not have an influence on you then it is a sure sign that there is no hope left for humanity, because it means you have given up or are happy aiding in the death of millions of innocent people. The information presented in this documentary offers the solutions required to make the right changes to protect the world from the true evil that exists and colludes behind closed doors. This is not a fictional pipe dream video, but rather our lives explained from the perspective of love and harmony, evolution and sustainability, and truth and justice for all. If you do not like the message of this video, then you are likely a member of the government, or have ties to this criminal empire and therefore are a criminal yourself, by your support for these criminal activities and fraudulent leaders. This documentary could be regarded as the Silver Bullet used against the New World Order. It was created in an attempt to make a difference by identifying the problems we face and by offering a real solution that is easily obtainable by all. Thanks for watching. Please share and dont forget to subscribe for more documentaries and videos. Check out the World Public Union: worldpublicunion.org Let the Domino Effect begin.. _______________________________ Who Are The Core Members of the Cabal? (By Bob Snare, September 2013). (Posted @Portal 2012, compiled by Rique Seraphico). Layers of Conspiracy At the core of the physical Cabal there is a group of 13 Archons that keep controlling our planet for the last 26,000 years. They are responsible for the fall of Atlantis, for the collapse of peaceful Goddess worshipping neolithic cultures 5000 years ago and for the destruction of the mystery schools in late antiquity. They are the ones that maintain the quarantine and keep humanity hostage so that the positive ETs could not intervene until now. They are mostly incarnated into key positions inside the Italian black nobility. Their leader was arrested in Rome on May 5th, removed from this planet and taken to the Galactic Central Sun immediately. He was the one that many members of the Cabal were worshipping in their distorted rituals, so now they are worshipping something that does not exist any longer. About 2500 years ago, the Archons created a special task group and infiltrated it into the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt: Link: vaticannewworldorder.blogspot/2011/12/ptolemaic-papal-bloodlines-orsini_21.html This task group was responsible for mind programming and mass control of humanity through organized religions in the last 2500 years. After the death of Cleopatra, their power was transferred from Ptolemaic bloodline towards Julio-Claudean dynasty in Rome, then to Flavians, then to Constantinian dynasty, then to Theodosian dynasty and then to Byzantine Giustiniani family. After the middle ages, members of this group incarnated mostly into positions of power within the Italian black nobility families. The Resistance has taken strong actions against this group in 2010 and it lost a lot of its power then. Anyway, this group has created the Jesuits and Jesuits are running the show on this planet for the last 500 years as you can read in this fairly accurate, although a little outdated report: Link: whale.to/b/pope.html Link: whale.to/b/phelps4.html Please note that Hans Kolvenbach is the old black Pope, the new one is Adolfo Nicolas. This is how the Jesuits run the USA corporation: Link: theoilage/ptolemaic-dynasty-bloodlines-t2854.html Rothschilds are the bankers for the Jesuits in the last two centuries. The most influential are: Jacob de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, David de Rothschild and lately also Nathaniel Philip de Rothschild. The Rockefeller / Illuminazi faction is a Jesuit creation of the 20th century with a purpose to hinder and misuse the technological and scientific progress of humanity: Link: humanresonance.org/veil.html The key players of the Rockefeller / Illuminazi faction are: David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, George Herbert Walker Bush (George Scherf Jr.), Dick Cheney, Jay Rockefeller, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove and Paul Wolfowitz. _______________________________ Cobra Update: Fall of the Archons - Jan 12th, 2014. Fall of the Archons Update The only thing I can say about this operation is that it is related to removal of all remaining Archons from the planet and also related to removing the real cause that allowed darkness to spread across the Galaxy millions of years ago in the first place. On the physical plane, the current Archon leader is now living in a small provincial city not too far from Rome. He came to Earth in 1995 through a portal in a deep underground military base near Verona to prevent the Ascension and planetary liberation process which was in full force then, and to prepare and organize the Congo Archon invasion in 1996. Obviously he does not belong to old Italian black nobility. But he is very well connected with them and with the Jesuit network through the following three main communication nodes: Link: orderofmalta.int/around-the-world/10689/holy-see/?lang=en Link: orderofmalta-malta.org.mt/wp/wordpress/home/ Link: smomembassytoslovenia.org/contactus.html His role now is to maintain the quarantine status of planet Earth and to »prevent certain things from happening«. The main Archon black nobility families still worth noticing are Farnese, Orsini, Aldobrandini and Chigi. The Farnese family is the main architect of the Cabal as they have created the Jesuits with a little help of the Borja family back in the 1540s. Immediately after that, they have built their first Pentagon in Caprarola near Rome: In their »map room« inside that building they have shaped the destiny of the world during 16th and 17th centuries: It is interesting to note that the world map from the 16th century shows Antarctica, which was officially »discovered« in the 1770s. Around that time the Farnese have decided to use Jesuit Adam Weishaupt to create Illuminati, elevate the Rothschilds to power and move the Farnese seat of power to Washington, DC. They have built their second Pentagon there. It is also interesting to see that Larry Farnese, a member of the family, is a senator: Link: senatorfarnese/ The Orsini family has a very strong connection with the Reptilian race and is the main connecting link between the physical and non-physical Archons. They are the ones who created the pact between the Reptilian race and the Roman Catholic Church. Long time ago, their main portal was in the underground tunnels beneath Pitigliano. That system of tunnels went all the way to Orvieto and in underground chambers beneath Orvieto they have stored the Vatican gold. The Orsini family lost a lot of their power in May 2010 in a major operation of the Light forces codenamed Mission Blue Shield. The Aldobrandini family contains members of the original group which chose to experience separation from the Source millions of years ago. They have in their possession secret documents about the existence of Atlantis and fragments of rituals of Atlantean mystery schools. This family is aware of the importance of the Goddess energy. There is a certain fact about this family that will be made public after the Event and will surprise many people. The Chigi family are bankers for the Jesuits and they control Banca Monte dei Paschi de Siena. As I have stated over a month ago, the Eastern Alliance is disrupting their financial machinations and here are the results: Link: goldenageofgaia/2013/12/the-worlds-oldest-bank-is-on-the-brink-of-collapse/ All these families are losing power rapidly and the Cabal is losing support that was covering their backs for centuries. Besides that, the Cabal is now worried about this: Link: etheric/g2-cloud-likely-contain-star-increased-chance-core-explosion/ This is the reason many people within the Cabal structure are preparing for the end of the current civilization and building shelters. All high level intel about Galactic Center activity, especially in the March to May time frame, must remain classified for now. The Eastern Alliance is making big progress, especially in China, removing Cabal minions from positions of power and reforming the system: Link: nation.pk/international/11-Jan-2014/over-182-000-corrupt-officials-punished-in-china Link: telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/10561434/China-abolishes-its-labour-camps-and-releases-prisoners.html thebricspost/china-announces-new-private-banks/#.UtMCEvuNvGc Certain operation of the Light forces will be completed in a week or so and things will begin to move forward and more intel and good news might be released soon. On the non-physical planes, removal of Archons, their minions and their technologies continues. One of areas where good progress was made is the removal of etheric infrasound technology which suppresses human vibrational frequency. More than two thirds of that technology have been removed in the last month. Etheric scalar devices can produce physical infrasound that can be measured. In two independent measurements of the ambient sound in nature you can see that ambient infrasound up to 100 Hz goes up to 35 dB above the ambient sound in other frequencies. You can also see a curious ultrasound peak at 10 kHz in one measurement and 15 kHz in the other. They correspond to etheric ultrasound network which scans the brain activity: The intensity of the etheric infrasound and ultrasound is set to remain just below the hearing threshold of an average human being to avoid people becoming curious about it and realizing that something strange is going on. You can see that perceived human hearing graph looks quite similar to the graphs above: Some people are still able to hear that infrasound and some even the ultrasound frequencies and many researchers call this the Taos hum. This hum was recorded with a professional sound equipment and it sounds like this: Link: https://jumbo.iskon.hr/dl/c2dbd730-5a9e-400d-8734-ef0de30abd08 Removal of these technologies and structures requires a lot of hard work of the Light forces, as the Archons were improving their non-physical control networks for the last 25,000 years. It will take much less than 25,000 years to dismantle all this, but do not be discouraged if a month or two passes without any visible breakthroughs. There will be results soon enough and in the meantime you can read this very informative article: Link: ascensionhelp/blog/2013/11/21/tell-the-lords-of-karma-that-you-are-sovereign-no-longer-a-lightworker-part-2/
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 06:15:34 +0000

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