NWO Exposed Soft Kill by the Illuminati to create a New World - TopicsExpress


NWO Exposed Soft Kill by the Illuminati to create a New World Order: Part 5 Sunscreens: Many popular sunscreens contain ingredients known to spur the growth and spread of skin cancer cells, which defeats their stated purpose of preventing skin cancer. Even worse, the FDA has allegedly been aware of this critical information for decades, but has done absolutely nothing to warn people about it. Less than 8% percent of the sunscreens tested have been deemed “safe and effective.” The other 92 percent, which represent hundreds of sunscreens on the market today, contain one or more ingredients known to be harmful to health, a shocking figure when considering their widespread use. Many conventional sunscreens contain a form of vitamin A called retinyl palmitate that can speed up the development of cancer. Sunscreen manufacturers use vitamin A for its antioxidant, anti-aging properties, but this compound also has photocarcinogenic properties, meaning it can cause cancer-related tumors and lesions when exposed to light. Conventional sunscreens might prevent sunburn-causing UVB rays from penetrating the skin, but they’re letting through the cancer-causing UVA rays. Despite their “water-proof” claims, many conventional sunscreens wash off swimmers and into the oceans where they can damage aquatic life—especially coral reefs. Common sunscreen ingredients such as parabens, octinoxate, oxybenzone, cinnamate and camphor cause serious damage to coral. The chemicals activate dormant viruses in algae called zooxanthellae (which live in the coral, feed surrounding animals and give the coral its vibrant colors) causing the algae to explode and die. Tiny nanoparticles commonly used in sunscreens caused long-term neurological damage in mice, researchers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found. The study found that titania, listed on sunscreen labels as titanium oxide, induced cultured mice brain cells to manufacture chemicals that are protective in the short term but can cause damage over time. ]MV[
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 23:06:30 +0000

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