(NY Admin) AND STILL THEY COME!! ** UPDATE ON BIKERS V ISLAM!! Authorities confirm that over 800,000 Bikers are now on the road! From LA they pour out, from New York they fill the roads, the Mid West, like a moving sea of humanity witnesses the Patriot Tsunami as they roll on towards Washington DC! And still they come, on Harleys on every brand known, the Biker Patriot Army rolls on towards DC in an unstoppable tidal wave of metal, fumes and leather to pay homage and defend the honour of all the people of EVERY nationality who were butchered by Islamists on 9/11. Not since the Revolutionary War have so many fighting men took to the road in America! Never have we seen the likes of such a vast citizen army mobilize and deploy in defence of all the free world holds dear and our Governments despise…FREEDOM AND LIBERTY! Britain First salutes our fellow Patriots in the USA and we ask all our followers to SHARE this post and let the free world see that WE the people can rise…so politicians…BEWARE!!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 06:14:31 +0000

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