NY TIMES COVERAGE OF CANADA SHOOTING: EXECRABLE, IF NOT FECAL The NYT coverage of the Islamic terror incident in Canada is a textbook study in evasion and circumlocution. Although the lede paragraph does say the lone gunman terrorized Parliament, the article immediately drops the uncomfortable word terror, never calls his action terrorism, and always calls him a gunman and not a terrorist. It should go without saying that, since this is the NYT, the word Islamic does not appear until the 7th paragraph, and then only to quote the Canadian Prime Minister who used it. The NYT studiously avoids saying that this is the second Islamic terrorist act THIS WEEK in Canada. (The first was a Muslim terrorist using his car to run down and kill one soldier and injure another.) The only way this execrable coverage could be worse would be to include an interview with a CAIR spokesman calling it workplace violence (since the soldier was killed at his workplace, as in Fort Hood) and Robert Reich noting that the gunman was simply another impoverished, homeless victim striking out against income inequality.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 20:28:35 +0000

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