NY Times: Newly Vigilant, U.S. Will Screen Fliers for Ebola By - TopicsExpress


NY Times: Newly Vigilant, U.S. Will Screen Fliers for Ebola By SABRINA TAVERNISE Federal health officials will require temperature checks for the first time at five major American airports for people arriving from the three West African countries hardest hit by the deadly Ebola virus. Sgt. Michael Monnig of the Dallas County sheriff’s office was taken to a hospital Wednesday and monitored for Ebola exposure. NY Times: Death of Thomas Eric Duncan in Dallas Fuels Alarm Over Ebola By MANNY FERNANDEZ and DAVE PHILIPPS Mr. Duncan’s death renewed questions about health officials’ preparedness to contain Ebola. Hours after, hospital officials said a second patient had been admitted in Dallas. REBUTTAL BY A double shot of Ebola fear combined with a huge front page photo. Get ready folks. Here comes the iron hand: Federal health officials will require temperature checks for the first time at five major American airports for people arriving from the three West African countries hardest hit by the deadly Ebola virus. Temperature checks? If we are to be concerned about a deadly virus arriving from Africa, what bloody darn good is a temperature check going to do? Symptoms of Ebola do not even begin until two days to three weeks after contracting the virus. After 6 hours on a trans-Atlantic flight, wouldnt other travelers have already been infected by then? How do the Feds propose to screen those newly infected passengers who havent manifested the fever symptoms yet? How far do the Feds intend to go with this? How much intrusion will the public tolerate? Are quarantines in the works? If the sheeples obedience to the shelter in place order issued after the Boston Smoke Bombing of 2013 is any indication, Boobus Americanus will applaud the removal of whatever liberties he has left. Quarantine em all! Let God sort them out! The rapid development of this thing is very unsettling, and very suspicious. The widespread belief in Western Africa is that Ebola was deliberately planted via vaccination programs linked to the notorious CIA-NGO-Mossad front run by powerful French-Zionist Bernard Kouchner, Doctors Without Borders (French: Medecins Sans Frontières). So passionate are the West Africans in this belief that they have taken up machetes to chase off the aid workers of Kouchners nefarious NGO (Non Governmental Organization). Let us again revisit the headline from the New York Times front page of July 27, 2014. *************************************** NY Times: Fear of Ebola Breeds a Terror of Physicians By ADAM NOSSITER Health workers with Doctors Without Borders have been threatened with knives, stones and machetes by Guineans who blame them for spreading the deadly virus. *************************************** lantalanta.files.wordpress/2012/01/doctors.jpg2.bp.blogspot/--BvvcC7sU4k/UYANAjiHsoI/AAAAAAAA830/dS6OOT6Gg1Q/s1600/M%C3%A9decins+Sans+Fronti%C3%A8res2.png Kouchners Medecins Sans Frontieres is loaded with Jewish Doctors who care so very deeply about the Black goyim of Africa. On right: Kouchner pals around with the evil George Bush. The Ebola virus is said to have originated with monkeys and is now spreading across the planet via airplanes. It appears as though the Masters of the Universe knew this was coming all along. For the past 15 years, and especially the past 7 years, the press and Hollywood have been prepping the public mind for such a deadly pandemic. Following are some of the more recent films (some of which involve big names) whose plot lines revolve around a pandemic. Apes, airplanes and Federal quarantines are common themes in many of these films. Art imitating life? Or art, and conspiracy, dictating life? You be the judge.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 04:12:34 +0000

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