NYAKOS IMPEACHMENT: BEYOND THE NEWSPAPER STORY! I will continue to maintain my position on Governor Nyakos crisis that he is been hunted for the single fact that he raised issues indicting the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the ongoing GENOCIDE in the North Eastern Nigeria in the name of fight against terrorism. Ever since the FG succeeded in engaging foot soldiers (some Members of the Adamawa State Assembly) whom are serving their interest, they have successfully distracted Governor Nyako on working further to gather/update factual information concerning the ongoing genocide in the North East. As we can see, the attacks from insurgents are escalating, more civilians are being killed including Military and Civilian JTF on daily basis. In addition to all, the humanitarian situation is becoming worse, women and children are dying of hunger and disease. Nobody dare speak or focus on the recklessness of the Military and incapability of the Federal Government to deal with this crisis, remember the number of politicians among Senators and Governors that attempted to speak. Hypocritically, GEJ sitting tight on all his own impeachable atrocities yet making frantic effort in breaking Nyako by distracting him and suffocating him by way of freezing the account of the State. You may be left with questions on why they frizzed the Adamawa States account, under what provision of the law that permits the FG via EFCC to take such an action? If the President has no hand in what is going on in Adamawa State (the impeachment saga) who gives the EFCC other to freeze a State Account? Can the EFCC Boss without briefing the President just wake up and take such a Constitutional decision? Such decision amount to political wickedness from the side of the Presidency on the people of Adamawa State. On the recent pronouncement made by Nyako on media claiming that the President is NOT behind his impeachment, the early we see that as a distress call from Nyako, the better. Figuratively, NYAKO IS SHOUTING ON TOP OF HIS VOICE TELLING US THAT THE PRESIDENT IS BEHIND ALL THAT IS HAPPENING. On the side of those acting like Vultures in Adamawa State, where on earth have they been when Governor Nyako was perpetrating all the economic fraud, what stops them from rising the alarm and taking decisive action? WHY NOW, at EXACTLY when Nyakos head is wanted by #OgaAttheTop? I listened to the debate on Voice of America (Hausa), for all the accusation on Nyako, it is same accusations resting on each and every Governor or Acting Governor in every other State in the North and Nigeria. Let anyone of them dare speak against the President! This is to tell you that no single politician including Nyako that have the people at heart. Nevertheless, on this particular crisis coming from the North East, Nyakos voice and that of the people of the region is one and must be heard, silencing Nyako is an attempt to silence any other citizen on the seat of authority who is willing to take side with the victims and the people of the region. For what the politicians in Adamawa are doing today, they have clearly communicated to the people of the North East their position and interest which revealed the following: 1. They will continue to take advantage of the Boko Haram crisis to further their individual political ambition, 2. they will allow outsiders with ulterior motives to sponsor them before discharging their own primary responsibilities, 3. They can lie to the whole world and their people, even when the people understand their body language which says, they can do anything dirty (ignoring the war situation in the region) just to keep their seats, 4. Most of them lack the conscience to say the truth about them being sponsored and engaged for a hidden agenda, 5. None of them has ever approach anyone for solution or wrote something on the way out of the crisis, meaning, they care not like highlighted above. Finally, none will expect that Justice Ambros Mamadi will be deeply involve on this but, knowing the level of rot in our Judicial System, the Adamawa CJ is now the largest beneficiary of all the bribes coming from outside the state, plus 24 hours Military Protection in his house as a result of this impeachment crisis in state. OUR STATE ASSEMBLIES ARE NOT DIFFERENT FROM THE STATE EXECUTIVES, THEY ONLY FIGHT WHEN THEY CANNOT GET THEIR OWN SHARE OF THE LOOT. WE BETTER KNOW THAT THEIR FIGHT AT THIS MOMENT IS TO DISTRACT AND SILENCE WE THAT WE ARE SPEAKING AGAINST THE WAR CRIMES IN THE NORTH EAST!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 10:04:27 +0000

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