NYC Mayor De Blasio’s Executive Order Will Expand Living Wage - TopicsExpress


NYC Mayor De Blasio’s Executive Order Will Expand Living Wage Law to Thousands More. L.A., Chicago, Seattle other cities are out front on this too. (Meantime, other than Mulcair & NDPs pledge to raise the Feds Min Wage to $15.00/H for a relatively small sector of Feds employees if elected in 2015 + other than my home city of New Westminster that has had a Living Wage calibrated to annual costs of living for all city employees or contractors hires at current rate $20.10/H, no other jurisdiction in Canada has instated Living or Livable Wages or even more reasonable Min Wages, nor are the other 2 major parties, the CPC or LPC even contemplating it. The LPC got rid of a Feds Min Wage under Chretien...FYI the BC Min Wage is a paltry $10.25/H) Mayor Bill de Blasio plans to sign an executive order on Tuesday significantly expanding New York City’s living wage law, covering thousands of previously exempt workers and raising the hourly wage itself, to $13.13 from $11.90, for workers who do not receive benefits. The change is also intended to frame a looming debate in Albany, where Mr. de Blasio hopes to win the authority to set the citywide minimum wage at the same amount. If Mr. de Blasio succeeds in matching the minimum wage to the living wage, all hourly workers in the city would earn more than $15 by 2019, according to the city’s projections. The executive order will immediately cover employees of commercial tenants on projects that receive more than $1 million in city subsidies going forward. Workers who receive benefits such as health insurance will earn $11.50 an hour, compared with $10.30 before. nytimes/2014/09/30/nyregion/de-blasio-to-sign-executive-order-significantly-expanding-living-wage-law.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&version=HpHeadline&module=first-column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 05:50:12 +0000

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