NYEA IS AN NGO BUT PARTNERS WITH THE PRESIDENCY OF THE DAY - PRESIDENT GOODLUCK EBELE JONATHAN. My Dear Hon Members and Officers, Elections are around the corner and we have received numerous queries and complaints from Members and Officers asking why NYEA has NOT come out openly Campaigning for one Political Party or the other. As stated in our Mission Statement, NYEA is an NGO that was set up by some Nigerian Philanthropists for the Sole Purpose of Youths Welfare and is Partnering with the Presidency of the Day to ensure that Youths are Empowered to be Self Reliant and NOT Used as Elections thugs only to be Dumped after Elections. On that basis, NYEA is supporting the Current Presidency at National Level and All the Current States and Local Governments. This is why we have Issued Introductory Letters to our State Coordinators to Link themselves up with the Winners of the Primaries of their Party in their States to Campaign for them to ensure Smooth and Peaceful Elections all over the Federation. NYEA Respects ALL Elected Authorities all over the Federation Irrespective of the Party in power at the Federal and State Levels. We are NOT Restricting our Members and Officers from joining any Political Party of their choice and or Expressing their Views Freely on any Candidate of their choice in that Partys FB page or their Personal FB page. But as a Group, NYEA Officers and Members should support the Winners of the Partys Primaries at the Federal and State Levels. By this explanation we want those who have been asking why NYEA is not on any Vanguard group to bear in mind that after the Elections many of those vanguard groups will disappear but NYEA stays because, NYEA is a Perpetual NGO that will Continue to exist and Partner with Any Government - Presidency that may be Elected by the Nigerian Citizens. The Youths remains our Focal point and we stand to Fight for the Welfare of the Youths not minding who is at the Leadership at Federal or State level. But, we must always bear in mind that, NO POLITICIAN IS WORTH DYING FOR and their ambitions Cannot be Equated to Our Lives. So, we MUST Not set out to Die so that they can be put in Office; let us think of Peace in Nigeria First and politicians Second. My Brothers and Sisters, VOTE WISELY and Never Sell your Birthright and Conscience. Every Youth of voting age must Jealously Guard his or her Voter’s Card as after the elections, it becomes an Identity Card for future elections. I thank you all and God Guide and Protect you during the Elections and beyond. Austin A Okotie DG National Youth Empowerment Agency (NYEA)
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 22:03:52 +0000

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