NYPD Police Leader We Are Now A Wartime Police Department and Will - TopicsExpress


NYPD Police Leader We Are Now A Wartime Police Department and Will Act Accordingly tinyurl/ohbugaq It must be difficult for members of an organization with unquestioned authority and free rein to use force to hear that a higher power is going to review and reform their tactics. That is precisely why, even before two New York police officers were brutally murdered, the NYPD was angry with New York Mayor Bill de Blasio. The NYPD¹s ire was nearly out-of-control when de Blasio reacted like any respectable human being at the decision to praise the officers responsible for strangling unarmed Eric Garner for the high-crime of selling loose cigarettes instead of holding them responsible for Garner¹s untimely death. Now, after turning their backs on the Mayor when he eulogized one of the slain officers and booing him at a graduation ceremony, they are staging a serious work slowdown the New York Post is equating to a work stoppage. Since the shootings of Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, the Patrolmen¹s Benevolent Association (PBA) and the police unions called for the slowdown to protest the Mayor¹s alleged assault on the NYPD. Apparently, the unions are upset over what they perceive to be anti-police rhetoric by New York Mayor Bill de Blasio because he failed to praise their racial profiling tactics or the killing of Eric Garner. According to the PBA and unions, the work slowdown is a protest against de Blasio and frightened protestors asking the police to act like public servants; not German Brownshirts. In an attempt to assuage the NYPD¹s petulant anger, the mayor and NYPD Police Commissioner Bratton are holding an emergency summit with the leaders of New York¹s five police unions to try to mend a rift between the city administration and police rank-and file.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 22:43:38 +0000

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