Na copy I copy am. BE WARY OF EXPOSING YOUR PRIVACY ANYHOW OH YOU SLAVE OF ALLAAH. All adorations and praise be to Allaah azza wa jal; We beseech His blessing and peace upon the most blessed of all creation; Muhammad(sollallaahu alayhi wasallam). Many of us are careless with our privacy such that we allow others view our privacy despite that the shareea frowns greatly at it. Many of muslims who mostly fall into this category of prohibition are those who reside in hostels at Higher Institutions and Secondary school hostels. We find boys exposing their privacies to the rest of the other boys not caring whether his privacy is being exposed or not.This also applies to the ladies too as they also do not care about how they keep chaste their privacy. Pitiful enough; when some muslims whether males or females are corrected from this prohibited act; they say: Whats there now! No be same private part all of us get!!! This is a very wrong understanding which any muslim with such midset should abandone and change for the better.We however realized that two things are the causes of why people fall into this prohibited act which are: 1. Being ignorant of the prohibition of this habit. 2. Lack of shame. Regarding the first reason; the Prophet said as reported by Imaam Muslim from Aboo Saeed that: A man must not look at the privacy of the other man; nor should a woman look at the privacy of another woman; nor should two naked men lie under one cover, nor two naked women lie under same cover. Subhaanallaah! Looking widely at the hadeeth above; we realize that many of muslims had fallen into such prohibition. Sometimes you find two blood brothers/sisters not giving care to their privacy and they sleep under one blancket naked claiming there is heat. This is very wrong as the hadeeth above establishes. This is why the parent, most especially the father must be educated about the huduud and faraaid of the shareea as he is the director of the home and he is the one whom Allaah will query over the affairs of his wives and children. Moreso; Some sisters too are not wary about how they expose themselves to their fellow sisters. Despite that Allaah had permitted your adornments to be seen by other fellow female believers does not mean there is no limit of where they are permitted to see too. So sisters should be wary and adjust on how they expose themselves to their fellows. Some brothers/sisters too at hostels dont care about how they undress regarding their movement between the toilet/bathroom and their hostel rooms. We should protect and watch closely how we uncover our privacy as the hadeeth above establishes. Regarding the second reason; shame is also another major reason why muslims fall into this prohibition. Some muslims even after being informed of this prohibition say statements that negates what their eemaan attests to due to their lack of shame. Indeed the Prophet said as reported by Muslim and others that: Eemaan(faith) and Hayaa(Bashfulness) walk closely together; So if any of them is lost(from a soul); the other leaves too. Indeed this is why we do find a person with good eemaan having shame and being bashful.Likewise too the One without shame lacks sound eemaan. Moreover; I have not seen anyone not having shame as the people of innovation. Therefore; we should understand that our privacy must not be displayed anyhow. We should protect it; cover it with modesty and uncover when required with humbleness. May Allaah guide and rectify our affairs. Subhaanaka Allaahumma wabihamdik ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atuubu ilayk. Al-egbaawii........
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 18:45:18 +0000

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