NaMo & The Truth About US Visa When the Green Revolution was - TopicsExpress


NaMo & The Truth About US Visa When the Green Revolution was conceived in the 1960s India started major imports of fertilisers. Among the types of fertilisers was Muriate of Potash (MOP) of which India has no production at all even today. Most shipments came from Germany, which is among the top MOP producers; some even came as free gifts and aid shipments. While the GOI liberally gave out fertilisers they didn’t educate farmers all that much on the usage and dosage. As a consequence even soil which was fairly rich in Potash was fed with it. Naturally, the soil got used to it and so it needed the fertiliser even more regularly. Force of habit! As the consumption grew the suppliers substantially increased the prices over the years. The import of MOP has gone up from almost zero in 1960 to 4 million tons in 2011-12. The price of MOP in 1980-81 was 1300 per ton (subsidised) for farmers. In 2011-12 it was 17000 (subsidised). Without subsidy the price is 32000 per ton. Potash also has industrial uses. It came as a friend, as a free gift and now has a heavy price as an addiction for the soil. Excessive fertilisers that came as friends turned our soil into addicts. There are other friends who came to India. Some came as refugees, some came as visitors, and some came as traders with gifts and goodwill. Some of the visitors realised that apart from tea and other products there is a bigger potential market in India. This was the market for sowing a foreign religion among Tribals, Dalits and other backward castes and people who were struggling at the bottom-rung of society. Some of the investors of religion came in violently, like the Islamists. Some came in cleverly as traders and well-wishers and also explored and exploited the vast market for Christianity. After centuries of work they are now ready for a “harvest” as VK Shashikumar puts it. The Joshua Project, World Vision and many other assorted NGOs funded by a world-wide network and there are some also funded by Hawala channels. The ultimate objective of the funders in the US, Europe and other places is to break India into pieces. This is work-in-progress and one man threatens this work: Narendra Modi. In March 2005 when Modi was invited to address a gathering of an Indian association some Congressmen in the US moved the house and revoked his Visa. Although he was a CM Modi had not applied for any Visa under the Diplomatic category but the US revoked his regular visitor visa. That anti-Modi clan of NGOs like Teesta, Shabnam, Mander, the media reports (NDTV and CNN-IBN and Arnab too, then all under NDTV), claimed that they had successfully lobbied against Modi’s visit due to the Gujarat 2002 ‘pogrom’, ‘genocide’ or whatever fanciful terms came to their heads. One charlatan, Angana Chatterjee, who is a known commie islamo-fascist even claimed credit for the visa revocation. In her claim she also repeats the same bogus stories of Arundhati Roy and Teesta that stand discredited now. Of course, they all claimed “visa was denied” as if Modi had applied for visa. Now who is Angana? Let me save words and typing effort and let you read a two-part dossier on this queenie at Sandeepweb. Does the US govt care about some Hindus and Muslims dying in a riot in Gujarat? Only an idiot of the first water will believe such nonsense. Does the US care about charlatans like Teesta or Angana? Make a wild guess! America doesn’t give a crap about anybody but itself. Neither America nor Europe did anything about the Armenian genocide (Upper estimate of 1.8 million killed). If that seems a century ago, they did nothing about the Rwandan genocide (Upper estimate of 1 million killed or 20% of the population) either. The Americans didn’t give a damn about 4000 Sikhs being killed in the 1984 pogrom by the Congress party (Upper estimate of 10000+ Sikhs killed across India). So what makes these “useful idiots” in NGOs and our media think that the US revoked Modi’s visa for the riots? Nothing, except their fancy world of queens and fairies which earns them huge doles for being absolute scoundrels and anti-nationals. The Sonia/MMS govt made a mild protest with the US but the Congress members were visibly delighted. There are many reports that Franklin Roosevelt wanted to join the war against Germany and therefore he and other high officials did not act despite advance knowledge of the Pearl Harbour attack. This is because the American Constitution allows joining a war only if the US is attacked or there is clear danger of attack. And they care about Hindus or Muslims in Gujarat? Laughable! So all the BS that Modi’s visa was revoked because of the Gujarat riots is as much BS as all the charlatans and TV morons like Rajdeep, Barkha, Arnab and others have systematically peddled. Make no mistake; the US govt doesn’t give a damn about people dying anywhere (as I have shown), unless it’s a US citizen. Remember the guy who was in office when this entire ‘Modi-visa’ thing happened? Yes, it’s that guy who drilled a lot of holes in Texas that never brought out any oil. The same guy who allowed 50+ friends and relatives of Osama Bin Laden fly out of US within days after 9/11. George W Bush, a devout Christian, and his team concocted a lot of evidence to bomb Iraq in March 2003. His foreign policy principles after 9/11 came to be known as the “Bush Doctrine” in the media. Only, not many know that this doctrine itself had a “divine” inspiration.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 05:54:34 +0000

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