NaMo effect fading away though Vajpayee Govt maintained strong - TopicsExpress


NaMo effect fading away though Vajpayee Govt maintained strong enthusiasm by Pokhran Nuclear tests & Kargil War win for over 2 years as current Indian Govt failing to take fast decisions on the following: - 1) Formation of State Govts in Delhi & Bihar through elections or negotiations though most MLAs support us there after defections from opposition 2) Inspite of NDA getting 73 out of 80 seats in UP the atrocities on people there by Maulana Mulayam & Akhilesh is not being stopped though CBI & other measures can be used like UPA 3) IAS Exam protests are in reality showing need for setting up proper National Language policy where English, Sanskrit & State Languages (including Hindi) be given equal status 4) Supreme Court now talking about implementing inclusion of Bhagvad Gita, Sanskrit & Moral education in secondary schools at all levels & education department of HRD ministry must act 5) Increase of nationwide crimes beside rape & murder due to absence of judicial reform which needed soon with trial of cases in all courts by bench of atleast 5 member jury instead of single judge to stop Bribe Raj, setting up jurisdiction of cases from lower to highest court according to importance of the crime, system of appeal maximum only to the next higher level & not to all courts, huge fines for minor offences instead of jail, increase in judicial fees to support a system of more judges, courts & workdays to resolve long pending cases 6) Uniform civil law for all Indians irrespective of religion or race 7) Removing Art. 370 & Sixth schedule, permission for cow slaughter and words ‘secular’ & ’socialist’ introduced illegally by Indira Maimuna Begum during Emergency from our “Constitution” 8) Settling all Kashmiri Hindu refugees in Kokernag Town of Anantnag district en route to Amarnath 9) Peacefully negotiate to reintegrate Nepal, Bhutan & Srilanka with us beside retaking POK & COK from Pakistan & China, respectively 10) Oust all the over 50 million illegal Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators or annex land from Islamic Bangladesh in proportion to settle them from West Bengal & Assam
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 12:16:02 +0000

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