NaMo’s Japan visit can be regarded as the mile stone for the - TopicsExpress


NaMo’s Japan visit can be regarded as the mile stone for the India definitive turning Foreign Policy which was unclear and uncertain up till now. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s successful visit to Japan with a red carpet and not red tape which promised to give $35 billion to India over the next 5 years for various developmental projects. The two countries also decided to enhance cooperation in defence and other strategic areas and also signed five pacts covering defence exchanges, cooperation in clean energy, roads and highways, healthcare and women while vowing to take their relationship to newer level. Japan also lifted ban on six Indian entities which had been imposed in the aftermath of 1998 nuclear tests. Thanks GOD, now we have one PM who looks like PM not like a CHAPRAASI or does not acts like a PUPPET in the hands of Italian mafia, For 10 years did we really have a PM in India.I doubt after seeing Mr Modis popularity across the world media.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 07:58:31 +0000

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