NaNo is just way too fun this year :D Among constant distractions, - TopicsExpress


NaNo is just way too fun this year :D Among constant distractions, I am actually writing a romance novel, the one I toyed with a while back (check the notes). Heres a scene I had a lot of fun with, not edited at all! Read at your own risk :) I find a backdoor exit out of the hall hosting the event and go out through it, checking the door can be safely opened from the other side. Shane is there, sitting on a pile of cardboards piled up against the wall. He greets me with a nod and a wink. I approach him slowly, looking at him as he sucks in the smoke out of a cigarette with the type of thirst only forced abstinence could yield in a long-time smoker. I smirk and, tilting my head, I ask: “So how does smoking fit in your healthy, eco-friendly image?” “What can I say, there’s the image I promote, the image my fans perceive, and there’s the real me.” He shrugs and keeps on smoking, blowing the smoke up to the sky. “Wow, at least no one can say you suck at playing the part of Shane Thompson!” “Damn right!” he agrees with a slow-motion nod. “Oh, you sounded so American just now?” I say in a squealy voice that makes me cringe. The fangirl in me is breaking my cool surface and it’s annoying me. “Would you like me to sound more Irish?” he asks, smiling broadly, and making sure his accent seeps through. “No, I very much enjoy the hint of an accent that trails off as you speak.” I confess and his face lights up even more. I feel myself getting sucked in by that infectious smile of his. I would never admit it to it, but it’s totally irresistible. I’ve always kept a close eye on his career and while he’s been looking quite hot in the TV series he’s been cast in, that’s not a role where I can see his smile that often. I sort of missed it. Or grown unaccustomed to it. That’s it, that’s why I feel heat coursing through my body. I reach out and take the pack of cigarettes he has placed next to him on the cardboard surface. I open it and sniff the cigarettes, then take one out and holding it casually, grin at him. “Give me a light, will you?” He smiles back and takes out the lighter from his shirt’s breast pocket, reaching out to me. “Not like that! Just hold that cigarette steady in your mouth,” I order before he has a chance to flick it. I slowly lean in, forcing him to lock his eyes on mine, until the tips of our cigarettes touch. I inhale the budding smoke deep into my lungs and close my eyes for the longest of seconds. When I finally opened them, he’s still staring right into my eyes. I back away and blow the smoke out. “Thanks!” I smile and wink. That casual gesture breaks the sudden intensity on his face and Shane returns to his go-to smug grin. “Is that how men usually light up your cigarettes?” he asks, a certain sharpness in his voice. “Hmm, unfortunately no,” I say and sigh. “I saw it somewhere a while back and wanted to do that ever since. I quit smoking a long time ago, so I didn’t have that many opportunities, but hey, it was as thrilling as I had imagined.” “And just where exactly did you see that?” he asks, standing and moving closer to me. “Some manga. I’ve forgotten the name, but I remember the gesture and the story.” “You’re a geek through and through, aren’t you?” Shane asks, and I see the mostly quiet laughter moving his shoulders up and down. “Yes, mister famous actor. This writer is quite the geek! Or was the genre I write, the Starbucks employee passing my mangas, or my being at ComicCon not a dead giveaway?” “I knew all that, but I still was surprised by how deep it goes,” he says cocking his head. “Everyone feels the same way you do. They seem to easily forget I’ve been a columnist for a very techie magazine for a long while and that my corporate days were also spent in IT companies.” A soft snicker grabs my attention and I stare straight into his eyes. “What?” I ask, pushing my upper body forward in what I imagine looks like a warrior stance. It turns out to be quite the fail, as that brings me closer to him and his scent hits my senses. My eyes flutter, but I manage to keep them open. “I’m sorry. You just happen to be nothing like what I’ve imagined,” he says and starts to play with a strand of my hair, twisting it around his index finger. “What exactly have you imagined?” “You act like a kid, yet you look like a very level headed woman. You are striking, but never act like a diva. You certainly are a geek, but are not socially awkward. I thought you’d be funny, but a rather easy read,” he adds as his smile fades and he presses his lips together tightly. There’s a certain dreamy glow in his eyes and his constant playing with my lock of hair moves closer to my skin, his fingertips touching the skin behind my ear. “So you’re intrigued and find me entertaining,” I hiss and furrow my eyebrows. I don’t know why I’m suddenly angry. “Well, you are nothing like the women I am surrounded by,” he admits and tilts his head without breaking eye contact. “Yeah, yeah! I am not supermodel skinny, I don’t idolize my looks, I don’t chase all possible publicity opportunities, I don’t need my famous friends to cast the public eye on me. I act nothing like your Hollywood groupie crowd, well, not to you anyway! And I suspect you think you can actually have a conversation with me.” “You are intriguing, I can’t deny that,” he says, smiling broadly. “But talking is not exactly what I’d like to do with you right now!” The glitter in his eyes changes, his pupils are suddenly larger and his hazel eyes turn a few shades darker. My eyes fall to his lips and I catch him licking them, softening them. I force myself to look up into his eyes as he starts to lean in closer. Just before his lips touch mine, I tilt my head and his lips end up on the crook of my neck. It’s enough to send shivers down my spine and make me want to grab onto him. I don’t however and somehow, the arousal I clearly feel is not reflected in my still steady breathing. I close my eyes, relishing in the fact he can’t see it. He slowly brushes his lips against my skin, a strong hand snaking around my waist and pulling me closer. I just hope I can keep my head through it. But, damn, it feels great, and he smells divinely, and he is the biggest actor crush in my entire existence. I lean in closer and press my lips to his ear. A low moan of approval follows my action. I smile, knowing what’s going to happen next, but I need to take a moment to gather the strength I need to carry it out. “You had way better chances with the conversation,” I whisper and swiftly turn around and leave. I hear him laughing behind me, but I never look back.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 18:38:05 +0000

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