Nadine Mullins tagged me to do that totally unfair name 10 - TopicsExpress


Nadine Mullins tagged me to do that totally unfair name 10 influential books thing (Ten? You mean ten in each genre, surely. And by ten in each genre, you mean 20 in each genre, right?). Here are the first 10 I thought of, and before you start arguing with me, 1. yes, plays are books just like collections of poems or short stories are books, especially since Ive actually read them not just seen them, so stop being pedantic and 2. in five minutes, Ill have a totally different list and 3. Im not going to tag anyone. Consider yourself tagged if you want to put yourself through this. Here they are: Czeslaw Milosz (ed), A Book of Luminous Things; Donald Hall, Without; Madeline L’Engle, A Wrinkle in Time; All the Nancy Drew books by all the people who pretended to be Carolyn Keane; I’m gonna cheat and say the collected Shakespeare; Lucille Clifton, Blessing the Boats; The collected Tennessee Williams (there I go again) but especially A Streetcar Named Desire; Mark Jarman and David Mason (eds), Rebel Angels: 25 Poets of the New Formalism; Thom Gunn, Boss Cupid; Ann Beattie, Picturing Will
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:29:58 +0000

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