Nahhh when it gets to the final months we will bring out Bhengazi, - TopicsExpress


Nahhh when it gets to the final months we will bring out Bhengazi, irs , nsa, fast n furious, eric holder, harry ried, and how weak the president is in evdrything. How he has gone from 9 trillion debt to over 17 in 5 years and has NOTHING to show for it. Yeah ok he and his party pushed Obamacare with not one republican vote. Try to fix the train wreck as one of the authors said of it well they had over 4 years to fine tune it and it is worse now than when it was passed. 550 million dollars we sent to IRAN why are we helping a country that calls us the Large Serpent and Israel the small serpent ? Hmmm he gives Egypt 200 abrams a1 tanks ie the ones we won the first desert storm with and 50 top notch F16 fighter jets. Not that we couldnt sell this stuff to alies but he gives them away to a country that at the time was ran by the muslim brotherhood. Spends millions in attacking lybia and ends up haveing the leader of that country shot dead in the street and not by a court. Then months later he sleeps while 4 men are fighting for thier lives for over 7 hours. He sleeps so he can fly to nevada for a fund raiser the ne t morning. Yeah im sorry folks but Obamanocare will be the least of the democrat parties troubles comes later this year.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 04:18:58 +0000

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