Nahren Anweya of the Assyrian Church of the East told Hannity the - TopicsExpress


Nahren Anweya of the Assyrian Church of the East told Hannity the beheadings are one tactic in an ISIS effort to kill all non-Muslim. “They are at full force with this genocide, and I believe the president is very well aware of it,” she said. “I don’t believe he understands the urgency of this genocide.” She said Christians in Iraq were horrified to hear Obama say the military would protect “American personnel” but no one else. “He needs to acknowledge the fact there is an … extermination,” she said. She said reports of the atrocities are true. “Basically they will cut off a child’s head with a small knife … slowly,” she said. Such moves are intended to intimidate, she said. “I want the president to understand this is a direct attack against Christianity,” she said. “This is a holocaust.” Mark Arabo, a spokesman for the Chaldean Americans, said Iraq now is experiencing a “full blown massacre.” “These are the most horrific atrocities that the world has ever seen,” he said. “We owe it to humanity to act.” David Curry, president of Open Doors USA, which has served the Christian community in Iraq for years, said ISIS wants “to make Iraq a ‘Muslim only’ nation, and as a result they want all Christians out.” He said the situation for Christians in Iraq “has deteriorated each year over the past 10 years.” “Iraqi Christians have faced kidnappings, threats and even death for being followers of Jesus. And they have little faith in their government to provide security as we see in the tragedies unfolding the last month.” Open Doors said while the Christian population of Iraq in the 1990s was estimated at 1.2 million, it’s now down to 300,000. Jerry Dykstra, a spokesman the organization, which is generating global support for Iraqi Christians, told WND. One Christian family, he reported, related a “horrifying” story of escape from Mosul, where Christians have lived for millennia until ISIS ordered them to flee, convert or be killed. The father, a former government employee, said his family got almost no notice before being ordered to leave. On their departure, they were stripped of anything valuable, including rings, property and vehicles. One relative had a hard time taking off her wedding ring. “The veiled lady asked for a metal cutter,” the Christian family reported. “Fortunately she got it off herself before the cutter arrived; otherwise she wouldn’t only have lost her ring but also her finger!” Another woman saved her wedding ring by hiding it in the diaper of her 10-month-old. The organization also reported many Christians are flooding into Kurdistan to escape the advance of ISIS. The lucky ones: Christians who have been able to reach refugee camps. (Open Doors image seen below) Infants sleeping on the ground (Open Doors image) WND reported Tuesday the 5-year-old son of a founder of Baghdad’s Anglican church was cut in half in an ISIS attack. The report cited an emotional Canon Andrew White, chaplain of St George’s Anglican Church in Baghdad. “I’m almost in tears because I’ve just had somebody in my room whose little child was cut in half,” he said. “I baptized his child in my church in Baghdad. This little boy, they named him after me – he was called Andrew.” The report said it happened in the Christian village of Qaraqosh after Kurdish forces left and Islamic State fighters arrived. A report quoted Arabo, a Chaldean-American businessman, confirming the beheading of children by ISIS fighters, who then “put their heads on a stick and have them in the park.” “The world hasn’t seen this kind of atrocity in generations,” he told CNN. The report, which included horrific images, said the terrorists “who have invaded Mosul and other ancient Christian communities in Syria and Iraq have made music videos of themselves murdering civilians and captured soldiers.” “They are literally enjoying the act of killing and the fear and suffering experienced by others. This sadism may be the purest manifestation of evil witnessed since the Rape of Nanking during WWII.” Jeff King, president of International Christian Concern, which has staff members traveling in Iraq, has evaluated many of the reports and finds them “completely consistent with who these guys are.” “They’re absolute barbarians. We’re at a loss of words to describe who these guys are.” The aid group Barnabas Aid, which provides assistance to the persecuted church worldwide, also reported recently that “hundreds of thousands” of Iraqi Christians are facing a “humanitarian crisis” while fleeing from the terror of ISIS fighters. “At least 200,000 Christians are now thought to be fleeing towards the Iraqi Kurdistan region. Some of the displaced had already fled to the Nineveh plain from Mosul, which was taken by ISIS. … A number of towns have reportedly been completely emptied of their Christian populations,” the report said. Read more at wnd/2014/08/isis-genocide-aims-for-christian-free-nation/#W4GjbEgd7ahJ2LVb.99
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 19:05:55 +0000

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