NaijaPings FELLOW NIGERIANS TINZ! ALMOST EVERY COUNTRY THATS WORTH SOMETHING UNDER THE SUN NOW SEEMS TO SINGLE OUT ESPECIALLY NIGERIANS FOR SOME HARSH TREATMENT! Let it be said, there is something INDEFATIGABLE, INDOMITABLE AND RESILIENT about Nigerians and the Naija Spirit! This ability to keep going in the face of daunting odds is something the people in countries where Nigerians now flock to for greener pastures find quite impossible to relate to or deal with- LET IT ALSO BE SAID THAT THIS DOES NOT IN ANYWAY OFFER EXCUSES FOR THE CRIMES AND CRIMINALITY OF SOME OF OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, BUT CRIME IS NOT SOLELY A NIGERIAN ISSUE! Criminal gangs abound in the USA, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Russia, most of Europe (east and west), India and many other countries across the globe- THE BIGGEST PROBLEM OR CHALLENGE IN THE CASE OF NIGERIA IS THE OBVIOUS CRIMINALITY OF GOVERNMENT AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS THUS GIVING CRIME AND CORRUPTION AN OFFICIAL AND GOVERNMENT CLOAK OR GARB OF SANCTIMONIOUSNESS THAT STINKS TO THE HIGH HEAVENS! For this reason, even Nigerians that carry out legit businesses are often the brunt of stigmatizing campaigns and attacks in foreign lands, HOW DO YOU COME TO TERMS WITH EVEN A NOBEL LAUREATE FROM NIGERIA BEING SUBJECTED TO SCORN AND DEHUMANIZING CHECKS AND SEARCHES AT POINTS OF ENTRY TO OTHER COUNTRIES. It was Ghana, it was South Africa, it was the UK, its ongoing in America, now India and Zimbabwe and yet our leaders sit pretty- shame! Wake up Naija, we have no other country we can truly call ours, ask questions of those youve elected or those that have been elected else, this show of shame will continue. Naija na we own o, na we go build am by we sef! Dis na Naija, dis na NaijaPings, dis na we own. Gbam! NaijaPings.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 17:46:53 +0000

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