Naive hope, I think, is a central, fundamental -- even a - TopicsExpress


Naive hope, I think, is a central, fundamental -- even a foundational -- element of liberalism among the great unwashed. Not the liberal leaders. They are clearly aware of the scam theyre running, in addition to being true believers. But your average, ordinary, Im a good person! college student or employee somewhere, the average person running around, saying, Okay, so for 53 years weve had these horrible economic sanctions on the poor Cuban people! Were gonna try something new and were gonna raise these sanctions and lift the embargo, and theyre gonna see the wonderful, beautiful ways America functions and be so moved by it that theyre gonna force change. That is a naive hope, and I think people vote their naive hope. I dont mean hope in the religious sense, and I get caught in this every time I start talking about hope. If I am perceived to be criticizing it, I hear from the devout who claim that I am messing with peoples minds. Im not. Im not dealing with biblical hope in any way. Im talking about the frail human emotion. Naive hope substitutes for what is thought to be reasoned compassion. Neville Chamberlain epitomizes naive hope. Neville Chamberlain traveled to Germany to meet with Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler told Neville Chamberlain (paraphrased exchange), You can assure Churchill and the rest of your people that I have no designs on any other country. Im a nice guy! I just want the best for the German people. Were all sick and tired of having to take a wheelbarrow full of marks to buy a loaf of bread at the store. Im just trying to fix my country. And Neville Chamberlain said, Will you sign something that says that? And Hitler says, Absolutely, Sir Chamberlain! Give me the pen! Hitler signs it, and Neville Chamberlain returns to Great Britain waving the paper. See? We have nothing to fear! Hes actually a nice guy. You know, he even offered me some schnapps. He was such a cool guy, and then within days, Hitlers in Poland, and Neville Chamberlain is left (stammering). Naive hope. I think that constitutes 80% of the Democrat Party voting base, actually. Naive hope that what Obama says is gonna happen. Naive hope that my premiums gonna come down $2,500. Naive hope that I keep my doctor. You believe the lies, and what enables you to believe the lies is your naive hope that it can happen. In this case, Well, we love the Cuban people because were good people -- and because were good people means we love other people -- and theyre suffering, and maybe we can help. So were going to lift our embargo, and we hope that that will really make things better for them, and then we can take credit for it because we made it happen. Naive hope. Naive hope is one of the greatest enemies of common sense because its easy. You can have an IQ of a pencil eraser and be excellent at naive hope. You can be the class dunce and succeed as well as anybody else in the category of naive hope. And I think this naive hope that is cultivated by Democrat Party politicians and so forth, is one of many things that presents our country with great problems. The sad thing is, did anybody learn from Chamberlain? No. That was still considered a one-off! Its still considered a one-off, isolated incident. There was no lesson learned that bad guys lie. Evil people lie and will take advantage of you and use you and kill you if they have to, to you get you out of the way. Nah, it was a one-off. Hitler does not represent any other bad guys. Hitler? No, no. Hitler was one-off. So the lessons never even learned because naive hope triumphs over the lesson. Well, we hope the next bad guy will be different. We hope. Frankly, thats one of the biggest challenges that those of us with common sense have is communicating with those people. How do you permeate naive hope? Cause anything that shatters their naive hope is threatening, frightening, and you become a threat -- and maybe even a bad guy, mean or whatever. The way the left operates today, do you know what constitutes harassment now on the left? Its simply disagreeing with em. All you have to do is disagree with the left and youre harassing them. You cant interrupt their hope. Oh-ho no! You shatter their world when you permeate their hope and point out that its really nothing more than naivete.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 03:46:33 +0000

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