Najib announces emergency Parliament session on flight MH17 - TopicsExpress


Najib announces emergency Parliament session on flight MH17 crash Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has called for an emergency Parliament session on July 23 to condemn the irresponsible act by those who caused the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine yesterday. Making an official address to the nation from Angkasapuri, in a telecast that was carried live by government broadcaster RTM, he also announced that the national flag will be flown at half mast from tonight until Monday as a sign of mourning over the loss of lives in the incident. He, however, added that until credible evidence surfaces, there will be no finger-pointing towards any party involved, despite the widespread believe that the flight with 298 passengers and crew onboard was shot down. He also expressed condolences and deep sympathies to the family and loved ones of the victims on behalf of Putrajaya. We condemn this despicable and irresponsible act and as prime minister will be calling an emergency Parliament session to debate this motion, he said of this second tragedy involving a Malaysia Airlines flight in the past four months. Najib said that he had also put forward three demands to United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon. First, we want to ensure that evidence relating to the incident is not tampered with or disturbed; secondly, we hope for the safety of rescue personnel during the operations to be guaranteed. And thirdly, if the investigation finds that MH17 was indeed shot down, we demand that the perpetrators be brought to justice. I have put forward these three demands to UN chief Ban Ki-moon, he said at a special address today, adding that Malaysians are facing some very challenging times. Acknowledging that we are in the last days of the fasting month, Najib also called on Muslims, regardless of political affiliation, to come together to pray so that Malaysia will be safe from harm. He also called on other faiths to pray for the same in their own way. Source: themalaysianinsider/malaysia/article/najib-announces-emergency-parliament-session-on-flight-mh17-crash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 纳吉下周三开紧急国会动议 全国即起下半旗哀悼MH17 首相纳吉今晚宣布,他将召开一场紧急国会下议院会议,以便提呈动议,谴责马航客机MH17遭击落的惨剧。 此外,他也宣布,从今晚开始至下周一,全国将会下半旗以示哀悼。 “在此事中,政府已经决定宣布,从今晚开始直到下周一,2014年7月21日,全国将下半旗。我已经禀告国家元首此事。” 若无确凿证据不指责 一身黑色马来传统服装的纳吉于今晚11点25分,透过电视台直播发表特别演词时指出,虽然MH17客机相信是遭击落,但大马政府在找到确凿证据前,不会指责任何一方。 “不管怎样,我们强烈谴责这种没有良心、不文明、暴力和不负责任的行为。” “为了表达马来西亚人民的坚定立场,我身为首相,决定召开一场紧急国会会议,以便强烈谴责这个不人道行为。” 《马新社》较后报道,下议院议长班迪卡表示,指这场紧急会议将在下周三(7月23日举行),以便提呈和辩论MH17惨剧的动议。 向大马乘客亲友致哀 纳吉指出,MH17客机是在大马时间晚上10点15分,在距离乌克兰与俄罗斯边境的50公里处,与乌克兰空管中心失联。 他也向大马乘客与机组人员的亲朋戚友致哀,并希望他们振作面对此事。 呼吁国人为国家祈福 纳吉呼吁,国内所有穆斯林在目前斋戒月,不分政治立场,齐心祈求国家能远离遭受种种破坏与厄运。 他也鼓励信奉其他宗教的国人,依据个别的信仰为国家祈福。 为查明真相提三条件 此外,纳吉指出,由于坠机现场是掌握在“叛乱部队”的手中,因此大马政府正竭尽所能,包括通过外交管道,及运用大马与相关国家的良好关系,确保调查团队能前往当地工作,并顺利地处置受害者遗体。 他指出,大马政府提出下述3大条件: (一) 大马政府要求涉及的单位,必须保证调查团队在行动期间的安全; (二) 大马政府也促涉及的单位,不要干扰和破坏现场的证据,以确保调查工作能顺利和有效地进行; (三) 如果调查证明MH17客机是被击落,大马要求肇事者面对司法审讯。 “我今日已将这3项要求,告知联合国秘书长潘基文。我也要求俄罗斯总统普汀,给予一切合作来达成这些要求。” “再者,我们已在刚才下午,已经派遣一架飞机,乘载由特别援助及拯救队(SMART)、医药队伍和伊斯兰发展局官员所组成的特别队伍,前往灾难现场。” 纳吉在总结时呼吁国人,在这个令人撕心裂肺的时刻,齐心加强彼此的团结来面对这起悲剧。 奥巴马:MH17被击落 另一方面,在纳吉结束特别演词约10分钟后,美国总统奥巴马在华盛顿召开记者会指出,证据显示MH17客机是被击落的。 “我们有信心地说,是有一枚地对空导弹发射了,就是它击落那架飞机。” “我们有信心地说,这枚导弹是从俄罗斯撑腰的分裂主义分子所掌控的区域所发射。” 不过,奥巴马说,他们仍在调查,下令发射这枚导弹的负责人。 他也证实,至少1名美国人乘搭这趟班机。 malaysiakini/news/269223
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 05:10:00 +0000

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