Nakuru Town West MP Samuel Arama today came out fighting in the - TopicsExpress


Nakuru Town West MP Samuel Arama today came out fighting in the wake of calls for his expulsion from the opposition ODM party led by Raila Odinga. Breathing fire and brimstone, Arama lashed at local ODM MCAs who criticised him for allegedly betraying the party. He dismissed them as a bunch of tribal Luo political idlers meddling in matters that dont concern them after failing to deliver services to voters who rejected them. The MCAs were quoted in todays press saying they have communicated with ODM party officials in Nairobi to have Arama ejected from the party. Speaking at a press briefing in Nakuru town, assembly minority leader Daniel Ambale said the MP should quit the party and seek a fresh mandate under Jubilee coalition. He said Arama has violated the constitution of ODM and the Political Parties Act by supporting another political party. Ambale said they will embark on a major campaign to replace him. But in a swift rejoinder, Arama dismissed Ambale as a political dwarf not worthy of being responded to. He said the Kaptembwa Ward MCA and his accomplices who called the press conference were largely political failures and rejects whove done nothing for the good of the Nakuru electorate. An irate Arama said Ambale, Kivumbini Ward MCA Vitalis Okello former Nakuru municipal councillors William Atinga, Rose Lai and Naivasha MCA Manyonge Palanga of Olkaria ward, Sospeter Tomato and one Miruka are a frustrated in life lot whove only stressed Nakuru people over the years by failing to do anything tangible for them and instead lined up their pockets with taxpayers funds. He said Ambale should first of all learn how to dress properly before opening his mouth. Ambale wears suits that he appears to personally dip in water and clean by himself creating a crumpled leader not befit of addressing an MP of my stature, he said. Okello he said is an ugly fella who should look in the mirror first before speaking as his face scares urban residents and he should return to the bush where he belongs. Lai and Atinga nearly collapsed the last Nakuru municipality by engagement in graft said the MP who added than Lai defected from ODM and unsuccessfully stood in Kisumu County in the last poll and should thus keep off Nakuru politics. That Palanga is just like his name says full of panganga (idle talk) Tomato detected to Ford Kenya after I floored him in ODM nominations and later in the constituency polls who should also keep off ODM affairs where I stand and better qualified to speak as Im an ODM MP. When did he return to ODM and between me and him, who is better placed to speak about ODM affairs?, he posed. Ambale should style up and learn how to dress up first. Let him buy proper clothes before addressing an Honourable MP like me. To me hes just a fly. All of them are ugly people not fit to serve urban dwellers and should thus return to their Nyanza political enclave where they idolize a loser like Raila, he stated. Raila, he added is a perennial presidential polls loser fond of crying wolf and we cant be singing daily the song of an individual who lost in the polls. I and my people serve the Government of the day which is Jubilee under President Uhuru Kenyatta. If its Raila who had won Id have urged Kikuyus to fully support and respect him as Head of State. Every development we are enjoying us the fruits of jubilee government. Can Ambale tell us where he took bursary funds of Kaptembwa people? Nakuru politics arent of Kiambu or Kisumu but national. Such tribal politics cant be played here. Let everyone concentrate on what they were elected to do. My mandate is to speak for my people, their development and extension of assistance to their needs. I opposed and even said it in Parliament that my people dont want the referendum Raila is pushing for. ODM doesnt belong to Luos and I was in any case speaking in my individual capacity and a peoples representative. How does ODM come in? Arama concluded by saying hes established the modern Rhonda and Kaptembwa markets,.tarmaced several roads via KERA and built classes in Muslim, Mama Ngina, Koinange and other primary schools. This isnt the time to speak about party issues. What people want for now is for us to deliver on our election promises which Im doing and cant be distracted by people like Ambale who should know hes many miles my junior. We should play todays politics not those of yester years like Railas. In any case I contribute tremendously to ODM financially unlike Ambale and company like Lai, Okello and Atinga who are from Nakuru Town East hence have no business meddling with Nakuru Town West affairs. Tell them Im unlike them fully circumcised and fear none of them in the bid to improve the livelihoods of my electorate and Im not idle like them but a principled who doesnt merely sing anybodys song.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 19:28:54 +0000

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