Namaste everyone! Ok this is the last origins article. I will - TopicsExpress


Namaste everyone! Ok this is the last origins article. I will move on to other subjects after this, but I feel personally as this is a very important issue. Im about to throw some breathtaking scientific evidence at all of you, for what is most possibly one of the most controversial (I have no clue why, because the probability of it happening is likely) statements/theories ever to breach mainstream to society... We were seeded on this planet. But by whom? Well, lets take a step back to the last article and review some things... So we discussed how crazy DNA is, how it absorbs light, how it responds to sound, how macroevolution is false, How DNA can form out of nowhere, junk DNA etc etc etc etc. If you also recall me talking about the creationism aspect of the article, with the Enuma Elish/Genisis comparisons, there were TWO beings in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Named Enki, and Enlil. Ok so your telling me about mythical books.. Well, not exactly. Our ancestors wrote truthfully about what they saw, experienced, or what stories they were told from previous ancestors. In fact, a lot of vocabulary we have today did not exist back then. So our ancestors had to use what they knew to best describe things. Quetzalcoatl was white man with brown hair and blue eyes, who descended from the heavens through a serpent in a firery chariot That is from the aztec texts, heres some from the bible: The spinning chariots of fire that took the prophet Elijah off into heaven (2 Kings 2:11) is another account, and also, Isaiah includes an account of the Lord coming with chariots that spin and glow with flames of fire (Isaiah 66:5). Jeremiah speaks of chariots of God that spin and fly swiftly (Jeremiah 4:13), and Zechariah sees four flying vehicles coming from between two bronze colored mountains (Zechariah 6:1). The story of Job tells how the Lord speaks to Job from a spinning, flying object (Job 38:1). Ok, I can go on and on with the ancient texts, I wanna get to the real proof.... So Erich Von Daniken (Not the best source, but this experiment is credible due to its psychological stand point)found a tribe in Africa who had not seen any modern technology. He then had 3 white men in a plane fly to this tribe, drop off food, goods, books. They showed them musical instruments, how to paint etc. then packed up and left. 2 weeks later, the tribe had built a statue of the plane and danced around it, trying to coax the gods into coming back... So now that we have the info, what really happened back in the day? The Evidence: Megalithic structures dating Prior 8000 B.C. I will post links at the botton, this section is for explanation. According to our modern scientific timeline, we were primative as all get out until 4000 B.C. where in the mere span of 1000 years (when it took 1000 times longer than that for us to become even close to that by Darwins Standards) we became extremely and vastly intelligent. We gained a mathematically correct language (English is mathematically incorrect), could build huge structures with no technology that not even 100 people moving over the course of 1000s of years could not build (but science still thinks to seem so). We also had knowledge that the sun was the center of our solar system, our planets were round, the precise orbit pattern etc. This would all be impossible without some modern kind of technology. Our ancestors were not only way smarter, but way more connected to the universe then we are today. There are currently a vast number (some still being found) of megalithic structures that date Pre 8000 bc. One famous one being the Sphynx, the newly discovered Crimean pyramids (That date to the jurassic period), pyramids off of portugal, I can go on and on. More evidence. The star maps. There are 40 ancient star maps that exist from ancient times, whats even funnier is the megalithic monuments themselves are star maps. If you look at Giza, Tikahl, Stone henge, Cydonia, amongst others (there will be a link for these) they all line up with Orions Belt and the pleiades. One thing Im sure you all didnt know that is without technology, it is literally impossible to: 1) make something that big and vast line up with the sky exactly for the time period it was in. 2) these had to have been plotted and drawn up from the air. Same with the nasca lines. A human can not do something that precise from the ground without absolutely messing it up. These would have had to been plotted and designed from the air. 3) Move the stones for these structures. Go get 50 people and try to move a 20 ton stone a remarkable distance, up a diagonal slant, and lay it precisely in the right spot to be mortared. it wont happen. 4) a lot of these structures have traces of higher technology being used. High press drill marks, laser mathematically correct edges, stuff you cant do with a hammer and chisel. The Skeletons.... Every time we dig up a new tomb, monument etc. We keep finding these interesting skeletons. For one theyre 8 to 12 ft tall. They look unimaginably human. Some have elongated skulls, some dont. Some have blonde hair, some have red hair. WTF is going on. Evidence of this is hard to come by (luckily I got some) and is usually swept under the rug completely before anyone gets wind of it... The artifacts: From flying machines, to blueprints on how to build flying machines, to ancient analogue computers and more. Not to mention sculptures they themselves posed for....(There will be evidence for all of this) The point Im getting at: We were seeded by advanced humans long ago. The 40 star maps all point to star that is located outside of the pleiades that Orions Belt points to (not aldebaren). Why am I jumping to this conclusion? When you do the research and fill in the gray areas of evolution it is one of the only things that makes sense. Heres why. In the concept of Darwinism (not NEO darwinsism which is horse shit) when macroevolution occurs there is something in the inbetween called a transition animal. What this is, is a transitionary state between species where it gaines evolutionary charactaristics that the last species didnt have, and newer species down the line will have. Problem is if you look at Homo sapiens and our last quote unquote earlier ancestor, there is not just one missing link. If you look at the facial characteristics in the skulls, it would take at least 10 more transition animals for modern Homo sapiens. But the problem is this doesnt match up with the evolution timeline. So if there really a missing link. We look at ancient texts, of the gods who looked like us, flesh and blood. Copulated like humans, had emotion like humans. Maybe its time we start to look at these a little more closely. There are many reasons why: Every single ancient culture in has similiar mythology with similar gods, all whom can be traced back through similar traits and characteristics to the sumerian pantheon. These cultures were separated by vast oceans, landmass, and unless they had cell phones had absolutely no means of comunicating or even knowing others were there. On megalithcic structures there are starmaps and sacred geometry symbols. The proof is endless they WERE here. But where are they now? Even though millions of people have seen ufos, quite a few have had contact, and basic logic says that if someone has seen it, something does exist. Bottom line. There are many reliable sources that say some work with the government, and there is paperwork to prove something like that exists. But you come to your own conclusions. Most people who find this ridiculous have done little to no research about ancient artifacts, structures, ancient peoples, and texts. Even though I have no PHD in anthropology, I have years of research, in the process of learning anakh (their language), and Sumerian, a history of taking psychology/anthropology in school, and I use common sense. I have put a lot of time and effort into this, and bringing awareness to others. Thats it for me on this one. Goodnight!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 00:33:03 +0000

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