Namaste. pls. spread this message far & wide & do listen to this - TopicsExpress


Namaste. pls. spread this message far & wide & do listen to this video of Beloved Mary Magdalene before you go on to the news & video on the best cure for Ebola by Nano Silver” . Love is All That Is & the rest is yust fear to be left behind. Chant & Say, I Love You Prime Creator. You are the One in control, not me. I Am. Om Sai Ram. Om Shanti. OM. Fear, Your Greater Ascension Evolution and Healing by Mary Magdalene 3 oct 2014 jhaines6.wordpress/2014/10/18/the-debate-is-over-ebola-virus-is-airborne/ Dr. Rima pulled no punches about what Ebola is, where it comes from and how it is intended to decimate the world’s population. She also clearly discussed what appears to be a natural and safe way to stimulate immune function so that the Ebola virus cannot create a disease state. Obviously the people who put this virus out there do not want her telling you this. Retaliation was swift. Wednesday night’s radio broadcast was so “HOT and INFORMATIVE” that the next day Dr. Rima Laibow’s Chase Merchant Services company invaded the Natural Solutions Foundation’s bank account and took $60,000 from it and withheld another $79,450 in sales fees (virtually all of which was committed to paying for Nano Silver already shipped!), committing acts “RICO” against her. “Chase Merchant Services took our money from our account, withheld nearly $80K in sales revenue, wiped us out, and closing our merchant services account without any notice.-Rima E. Laibow, MD Listen to this entire two hour broadcast: it may save your life, your loved ones and your friends: It is my opinion that every human being on the planet needs to listen to this Radio Broadcast and read Gordon Duff’s article, VT Issues First Ebola Warning (Subject to National Security Hack!) and keep coming daily to Veterans Today as more Intel is released on the Ebola Epidemic that could kill 100 million People or more. If it does, and you have not informed yourself and others, you will be responsible for not sharing this Life saving information. Good Men and Women who do nothing to inform their fellow Human Beings in order to save lives, when they have the information at hand and all they have to do is push that information mouse on your computer and you refuse to do so, you do not deserve to live. –Stew Webb Please spread this article to every Hospital, Doctor, Nurse and Public Official in the World. The Day after the Radio Broadcast Thursday October 16, 2014 Veterans Today Reported this: VT Medicine: Concerns Regarding Ebola Ebola_CDCCDC and its tools could by lying to us. Consider this: If you go to Stop Ebola you will see a study funded by the US Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency and declassified in 2009, which shows clearly the impact of Nano Silver 10 PPM on the interaction between Ebola virus and human cells. In the presence of the Nano Silver 10 PPM, the virus does not penetrate cells and cannot therefore replicate, meaning that there is then no disease. Clinical demonstrations of the usefulness of Nano Silver 10 PPM were actively stopped in Liberia to whom we supplied bottles by WHO-World Health Organization which told the government that they could not use Nano Silver 10 PPM.l The same happened in Sierra Leone, but the President of that country threw the Head of Station of WHO out of the country and said he would proceed. The shipment was lost and delayed for nearly 6 weeks. When it finally got there and was used, the results were, as expected, positive. But the FDA/FTC sent us a warning letter basically telling us that we could not tell people the truth about Nano Silver 10 PPM and then our credit card company raped our bank account of all the money there, withholding sales, leaving our Foundation with $93 in the bank, rather than allowing the sale of this safe and potent natural immune support shown by science to have the capacity to boost normal immune structure and function. Read more here: DrRimaTruthReports Now purchases must be made by check but Nano Silver 10 PPM is available, despite the best efforts of those who want the disease to spread. Oh, and by the way, CDC is lying about every aspect of this disease. It is, in fact, according to a Special Report of the US Army Research Institute on Infectious Diseases (posted on my website) as easily transmitted by droplets as the flu but, unlike the flu, can infect every cell of the body, not just the respiratory tract. Visit our site, learn more. Yours in health and freedom, Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundation Related: VT Issues First Ebola Warning (Subject to National Security Hack!) VT Medicine: Concerns Regarding Ebola Dr. Rima Laibow Website Nano Silver Nano Silver used to treat Ebola Victims in Nigeria.This Works. Sierra Leone. Information Minister Stop Ebola Ebola: Very Crafty, False-Flag Vaccination-Blackmail ? Pandemic Update Operation United Assistance: The Ebola Pandemic Stew Webb Veterans Today Stew Webb Website Veterans Today Radio News Reports Stew Webb Host – Veterans Today Radio News Reports Archives Monday 1-3pm Eastern – themicroeffect/microeffect/ways-to-listen Monday 6-8pm Eastern -Freedomslips (Studio B) Wednesday 1-3pm Eastern – (New every Wednesday Beginning October 15, 2014 Simulcast Stew Webb Micro effect and Mike Harris Freedomslips Join Forces 3 Hour Marathon Veterans Today Radio News Reports 1-4 pm eastern can be heard on over 100 am and fm stations across America) First 2 hours: themicroeffect/microeffect/ways-to-listen/ Third Hour: freedomslips Studio B All Three Hours Live: firehorsenetwork Become a Veterans Today Truth Warrior time is short: Veterans Today Truth Warriors Saturday October 18, 2014 If you would like to order Dr. Rima Laibow’s Nano Silver and other products please use the link below which has been updated after Chase Merchant Services company invaded the Natural Solutions Foundation’s bank account. Instructions at donate.drrimatruth
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 17:36:38 +0000

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