Namaste rene, We all have those moments where we feel something - TopicsExpress


Namaste rene, We all have those moments where we feel something is “a miss” but we don’t know what or “who” this could be. We just know we are missing it from the heart. Universe reads these feelings as “impulses” and direct heavenly affairs to provide answers where there weren’t any. Intuition is the undiscovered frontier in human psychosis and development. So it is new to have amazing skills in reading numbers, statistics, or understanding “patterns” of intelligence in altered states of awareness. Welcome the Aquarian Age! This is when we reach epic levels of achievement by learning to be positive and work together to come up with workable solutions and equal “playing” fields. Life comes in all forms, and we are being forced to respect “life” even if we do or don’t understand it. The fact that “it is” is enough metaphysically for us to try to understand rather than destroy. Nature is evolving and this is altering what we see and perceive as “real”. You knew some things spiritually but we kept these notions to self in the past out of fear. Not any more today’s new generations are more aware than ever of “who” and “what” they are spiritually. However there is still a need for tradition, decency, and loving kindness to one another. Manners never become obsolete and all life forms respond to love. So use and put more of it into what you do on the daily. It builds inner peace levels and restores depleted positive energy stores, metaphysically. We have to realize what is “natural” for us and what is “naturally” beneficial, too. This can be what we do, people we associate and socialize with, and places we go. Just like you wear a certain brand of clothing, shoe, or apparel to “fit” or match your personality, now we are doing this metaphysically. Nature is bringing things back into order by bringing us back to our point of origin. We have to remember where “self” starts as a soul, but on a spiritual basis. Just like you eat well to keep physically fit, we read healthy and positive material for the mind to stay metaphysically fit for whatever life throws our direction, emotionally. You are being asked to decide do you want to make money to satisfy or be satisfied? How much is enough? Who will you spend your life with? Will this person be there for you whether you have or don’t have materially? Can you talk and relate to each other’s life experiences? Or is there a silence and a polite being together? Passions stir you up and get you ready to act on feelings, emotionally. So be clear in your thinking and what direction is best to get you where you wish to be from this point in time – forward. This happens when you “center”, meditate, and focus on whatever ideal you wish to achieve by falling in love with the process, first. It’s all about saying what you mean, and meaning what you say as “expression”. Universe is listening, acting, and reacting to us kinetically. We are no longer living in our minds but actualizing the body into what we intuit. Your devoted guide, Norah
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 13:06:08 +0000

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