Namaste to all... Heartiest welcome to all... Being - TopicsExpress


Namaste to all... Heartiest welcome to all... Being Spiritual-An Encounter WithThe Reality begins... I am sure everybody must be wondering inquisitive to know what is this group all about. Some might also be expecting it to be somehow connected with the prevailing concepts of sharing preaching talking and more into words sort of ideology. Well may be true...may not be... Let us first know what actually being spiritual means for us .. Knowing others or knowing self???? Or Knowing through experiences of others.... Yes...v true... Its all about knowing self through our experiences which is facilitated by guidance ...preachings.advises of experienced and realized beings This group is being created for individuals like us who areguided through theories...inspired n motivated through various beliefs..who believe in something that is really real.... Who believe in getting things done not through words but by deeds.. Who believe in putting words into actions.... Who talk about how to get things done ..rather on thinking...preaching and just thinking... Yes..the journey of truth has begun... Its high time to face the reality. Lets not talk...not think ...too much of stuffings.lets meet and do something that humanity is waiting for...... We all need to encounter our own realities....How?When?Where?What means? All to be discussed and shared soon.... Spiritual growth is possible through awakening of self.....through love for mankind in different is our outer world so becomes the inner...our outer world is guided by emotions ...lets manifest our emotions through our actions guided by preachings... For us,,,,,it was essential to use so many words to convert them into actions .. We apologize for not being much polished in words as natural things are generated spontaneously....... More ahead.....stay connected..... Awaiting positive responses and suggestions.... Aum Shanti...Shanti..Shanti.... Antas me dhyan Ka sangeet ho aur baahar Prem ki bheeni bheeni khushbu
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 10:32:06 +0000

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