Namasteji"ॐ"Pranamji"ॐ"Namaskarji"Truee, Pure, Absolute, - TopicsExpress


Namasteji"ॐ"Pranamji"ॐ"Namaskarji"Truee, Pure, Absolute, Divine & Simple PURE Knowledge of VEDANTA. Think Globally, Act Homely, Socially, Spiritually. "ऊँ"~"ऊँ"*"ऊँ"~"ऊँ"*"ऊँ"~"ऊँ"*"ऊँ"~"ऊँ"*"ऊँ"~"ऊँ"*"ऊँ"~"ऊँ"*"ऊँ"*"ऊँ" "Three Ancient Divine Sanskrit sources make a Divine & Homologous quote: "Maharishi Charak purified the Body with Ayurveda; Maharishi Painini purified our Tongue (language) with his grammar; while Maharishi Patanjali purified the Heart, Senses, Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) with his Prayer, Japa, Sadhan Yoga & Meditation." *"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"* "In India For Divine Music which awaken the Body, Senses, Heart, Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) given the narration, description & Subtle study in "RIGVEDA", Lyrics in "Samveda", Acting in "Yujurveda, Rus (subtle juice) from "ATHRAVEDA", Drama from "Natyaveda"." *"ॐ"~GURU TATTWA, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA~"ॐ"* "The Indian Divine Classical Music " is one of these Visible & Invisible management of Human Life, Living Being & Non Living (Nature & Natural Laws). Enabling people to help themselves by taking an Holistic approach, Promoting Health, Education and Enterprise; facilitating independence via Indian Music not dependence." *"ॐ"~GURU TATTWA, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA~"ॐ"* "DIVINE Hindustani Shastriya Sangeet (Classical music, Vedantic Music) is an ETERNAL SCIENCE which is based on the Theories of NATURAL PHENOMENA of Five RASA ( Subtle Juice)." *"ॐ"~GURU TATTWA, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA~ॐ"* "Its vibrations & Frequencies effect the Whole sense of Living & as well as non Living i.e. Nature of Fivive Tattwa i.e. Earth, Air, Water,Fire & Ether.". *ॐ"~GURU TATTWA, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA~"ॐ"* "The Divine Subtle Sound of Vedantic Music Begins from : "SA", "RE","GA" "MA", "PA", "DHA", "NI" "SA" for the welfare of Living & Non Living in all aspects of Life." *ॐ"~GURU TATTWA, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA~"ॐ"* "The purpose of Vedanti Divine Music for Bahajan, Prayer, japa & sadhana & so forth is to control the Senses, Heart, Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, Psyche)." *ॐ"~GURU TATTWA, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA~"ॐ"* "The Divine Subtle Sound of Vedantic Music Begins from : "SA", "RE","GA" "MA", "PA", "DHA", "NI" "SA"." "These are NASAL SUBTLE SOUND (pertain to ATMA and Visarga to Shakti i.e. Adhyatma & Bhoota Bhavas respectively) Created from Lord Mother Kundalini (NADA, SABDA BRAHMAN) & they direct affects the "AJNA CHAKRA." "Pronunciation affects the Motor nerves of Tongue and acts on the sensory nerves of Touch, Thorat, Palate, nose, upper teeth & lops and this acts on Cerebellum, the hinder & lower parts of the Brain & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)near Ajna Chakra." "MUSIC, RHYTHM (NADA, SABDA BRAHMAN) without DEVOTION is not MUSIC at All." "It is Nada i.e. GANA BRAHMAN (GOD) that Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) finds complete REST i. e. ONENESS." "Divine Music (not LOUDLY SOUND) as Divine Vehicle of body, senses, mind, chitta, devotion takes the Sadhaka (aspirant) to MOKSHA ( salvation) Like Hardasji, Tansen, Mira Bai, Surdas & so forth." "Anhad (subtle) Sound is very intimate to the "ULTIMATE DIVINITY. It is Even described as an Aspect of BRAHMAN (GOD) or BRAHMAN ITSELF. *~{Shanti Parva 44-48} MAHABHARAT}~* "Music (Nada) is the Righteous Conduct & Act ,Prayer, japa & sadhna it can touch the heart, mind & chitta." "The SHRADDHA (FAITH) is that favorably disposition of hearts combined with happiness of mind which,when directed toward superiors inspires Faith and when directed towards juniors,inspires beneficence." "IT IS THE FIRST PRODUCT OF PRANA (Life Force)." "If music is an inner expressions,only then can be it effect, body, Senses, heart,mind & chiita (mind stuff, psyche)." "The mind & Chitta becomes mere restless and egoistic if the music it an external expression." "The purpose of music, Prayer, japa & sadhana is to control the body, Senses, Heart, Mind & Chitta(mind stuff, psyche)." "Music (Nada) is the Righteous Conduct & Act ,Prayer,japa & sadhna it can touch the body, Senses, Heart,Mind & Chitta." "Prayer, japa & sadhana did not last where music become primary." "Now days position of GOD is taken by an Arrogant Person (Its the Common among us now) ." *ॐ"~GURU TATTWA, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA~"ॐ"* GURU TATTWA, EINSTEINJI, NIKOLA TESLA, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA "facebook/pages/Kaushal-Bansal/183270601722361, "Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. "Only One God" "ONE FOE ALL & ALL for ONE" i.e. *{"Holy Human"}* GURU TATTWA, EINSTEINJI, MOTHER TERESAJI, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 06:37:36 +0000

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