Name: Alexa Montgomary (Lex) Age: 21 Spieces: Sun Warrior - TopicsExpress


Name: Alexa Montgomary (Lex) Age: 21 Spieces: Sun Warrior (mixture of four speices of vampire that equals her race NOT A HYBRID) Marks: Silver tattoos that run up her left arm and down her back. Mark of the sun warrior. Grows with every life she takes. Family: Nelly (sister) Diana (mother/aunt) Jackson (bestfriend) Kayden (Libra/mate) Weapon: Gladius (sword) Abilities: speed, strength, hand to hand combat, beserk, inner beast, vision, hearing, endurance, healing, telepathy. At the age of 17 Alexa was like any normal girl, she went to school everyday with her sister Nelly and her bestfriend Jackson. She was an outcast amoung her piers for some reason everyone avoided her, she deidnt mix well with other students and had a habit of getting into fights. She occasionally showed up to school with a black eye and always wore long sleeved clothes to hide her bruises, though the brusies she gained where from her mother it is not what you think. See Alexa wasnt actually a normal girl. Though she didnt find this out until just before her 18th birthday. Since the age of 3 Alexa had been training with her mother everyday after school, her mother would beat her black and blue until she was old enough to deliver blows back. Alexa had a very short temper, the slighhtest thing would piss her off and her mothers training only fuled this temper all the more. She hated being at home though she would never cry about the beatings, or show any form of emotion toward her mother. The only person she truely cared about was her sister Nelly. Though when her world flipped upside down and life as she knew it was turned inside out she suddenly became extremely greatful for her mothers training. What started out as a normal day of school turned into something else for Alexa, one of the highschool Jocks was talking to Nelly, though Alexa didnt hear the conversation as soon as the guy grabbed hold of Nellys arm Alexa was all over him. Now bare in mind that Alexa was only 54 in height, very slim and almost delicate but that didnt stop her from punching the guy square in the face and knocking him out in one punch. All to protect her sister. When they returned home that day Alexa was expecting another training session from her mother as punishment for fighting in school, only when she got home, that is not what she got. What she got was a nod of approval for protecting her sister. Now Alexa considered this strange but if it meant she got a night off from the physical pain then she wasnt about to question it. The next day Nelly had told Alexa that their mother had said they could stay home from school, again something else that Alexa found strange, their mother never allowed her to stay home from school even when she was blue with bruises. Though again Alexa didnt question it. It was on this day that Alexas life changed. Over dinner their mother had given her a gift, if you could call it that. Though when Alexa had opened it, she was rather confused as to why her mother had given her a hilt of a sword. Though she quickly learnt that when her hand and only her hand held the hilt firmly in her grasp did the blade slip free of its hiding place. Alexa didnt know it at that moment but she would become very reliant on this weapon her mother had given her. That night Alexa had locked herself in her bedroom to shut out the world and was alone with her thoughts when the sound of shattering glass and her sisters screams dragged her from her mind. For some reason and Alexa didnt know why, but she insatntly grabbed the sword her mother gave her and ran out of her bedroom. What Alexa found in her house was something that could only be described as something out of a horror movie, a scene that couldnt even be real. What she saw was Nely coward in the corner of a room and her mother fighting four monster, which later on Alexa would learn are known as Lamia, a breed of vampire that is female, and extremely dangerous. Alexa killed 3 of these vampires quicklly and firecely, and when her mother told her to grab Nelly and run despite her better judgement Alexa did just that leaving her mother to fend for herself and take on the Lamia that just kept coming. After reaching the safety of a cave that was in the middle of a clearing in the woods. Alexa and Nelly had been tracked down by Jackson, Alexas best friend. Within the cave they had found back packs that had been left for them by their mother which contained clothes, food, drink, an address, and 4 bags of human blood wrapped in ice packs, which Alexa found seriously odd, but she had no room in her head to question the blood, when she was still trying to get her head around what had just happened. This was when things became more and more strange. Nelly sat Alexa down in the cave and told her what the vampires where, what Nelly herself was, what Jackson was and what Alexa was. Nelly was a breed of vampire known as a searcher, a searcher can read peoples minds, see and search their souls, and even control/erease/and rearrange peoples memories. Though Nelly had a dark secret of her own, she wasnt just like any normal searcher, she was half Lamia. The same thing that had just attacked them at their house. Though knowing this information never swayed Alexas feelings for her sister, and she still vowed to protect her every step of the way until her dieing breath. Then there was Jackson, her best friend, it turns out he wasnt what she thought he was either. Jackson was infact a wolf and that is why he could track them to the cave. His super speed, smell, and sight, more to the point his animal instinct allowed him to go straight to the girls without any problem. Knowing this made Alexa anxious, and she was starting to questiuon who she could trust, as it would seem that her mother, sister, and her best firend, had spent their entire lives lieing to her. Now Nelly explained what Alexa was. Now when they where back at the house Alexa had killed 3 of the Lamia to try and aid her mother before she was told to run, and Nelly explained that this is what she was created for. To fight the Lamia, she was known as a sun Warrior. She was a mixture of 4 races. Searcher, Wolf, Brocken and Lamia. Though she was not a hybrid by any means. A sun warrior was made up of all four blood lines to create one and Alexa was the last one of her kind. Now this she couldnt digest at all. Though at the same time it made alot of sense with things that had been happening lately, and it certainly made sense as to why her mother had trained so hard with her, it was to prepare her for what is to come. As proof of what Nelly was telling her Nelly told Alexa to look at her right arm, and when Alexa lifted the sleeve to her shirt what she found was what only could be described as a silver tattoo. It started at the base of her wrist and weaved its way all the way up to her shoulder, and there where 3 lillies on it. Nelly explained that for every Lamia life she took, a lilly would grow as would the tattoo, it would eventually scale down her back. This was the mark of the sun warrior, and proof that she is who she claims she is. Powers and Abilities. Alexa has amazing speed, strength, agility, and endruance, and can move so fast that shes gone before you can even blink. She is an excellent and powerful fighter that can most certainly be fueld by her temper. However theres more to her temper then anyone knows, Alexa has an inner beast which she can communicate with. The beast takes over when Alexa herself allows it to. When the beast takes over her basic skills increase ten fold, her vision goes red, and the sheer power behind her bloodlust takes over until everything around her is dead. She can cxommunicate with her sister by talking into her mind, but only with her sister. Her vision at night is exactly the same as it is during the day, unless of course her inner beast is in control and then her vision is heightened even more. The weapon her mother gave her is called her Gladius, it is a sword that is especially designed for killing Lamia. It reacts to her inner beast when danger is near by, and is the perfect comapion for her when ion battle. Though only Alexa can use the blade, thats what makes it so special, it was designed for her and her only. Like any other vampire Alexa has an amazing healing rate, she can recover from broken bones quickly, but if she feeds which she doesnt do often she can heal alot quicker then even any normal vampire. I AM LOOKING FOR THE FOLLOWING.... Multi para/novella rps who actually rp and know how to use their imagination. I am looking for roleplayers that know how to keep a story line going. All that add me must be at least 18 and literate. NO ONE LINERS, CHILD ACCOUNTS OR ANIMEE. If your intrested in rping then hit the add button.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 13:40:30 +0000

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