Name: Ali ibne Abi Talib (as) Father: Abu Talib bin Abdul - TopicsExpress


Name: Ali ibne Abi Talib (as) Father: Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim. Mother: Fatimah bint Asad bin Hashim bin Abd Munaf. Kunniyat (Patronymic): Abul Hasan and Husayn, Abu Turab Laqab (Title): Al-Wasi, Amir al-Muminin Birth: He was born in the Kaba , in thirty Am al- Fil (the year of the elephant). Martyrdom: He was martyred by the Khwariji named Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam at Kufa during the month of Ramadhan in the fortieth year of Hijrah and is buried in Najaf on the outskirts of Kufa. Al-Imam Ali ibne Abi Talib (asws),His mother Fatimah Bint Assad (asws), at the time of his zahoor, was called to the holy Ka’abah and as she came close to it, the wall of Ka’abah became cracked and she was ordered by Allah to enter it. After three days she came out of Ka’abah holding Imam Ali (asws) in her lap. Every year on Rajab 13, the cracks became new recalling everyone the miracle. For centuries, the Saudi governments have been trying every treatment to conceal these cracks but failed. Amount received by Hadrat Ali Murtada (as): Miracle of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) It has been recorded in Arbaeen Fazael-e- Shazaan and Tuhfatul Izhaar the following incident related by Ibrahim Bin Mehram, who said: One of my neighbors in Kufa was a man named Abu Jafar, who was very good-natured. Anytime a Sayyed would approach and request something from him, he would give. If they could pay, he would take the price of the things and if not, he would ask his servant to write: This amount has been received by Hadrat Ali Murtada (as). He lived in such a manner till he found himself poor and destitute. He would sit in his house and open his book of accounts and if he found someone indebted to him, he would send someone to recover from that person. And when he would find the person to have died, he would draw a line over it. During this period, once he was sitting near the door of his house examining that book, a Nasibi [enemy of Ahlul Bayt (as)] taunted him by saying: What did your biggest creditor Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) do for you? Abu Jafar felt grieved and went inside the house. That night, he saw in his dream, Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), Imam Hasan (as) and Imam Hussain (as). The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked them Where is your father? Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) replied, Here I am and came from behind. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked: What happened that you do not pay this mans dues? Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) replied. O Messenger of Allah! This is his due which Ive brought with me. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: Give it to him. Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) gave a pouch to Abu Jafar. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: Take it and do not deny anyone from his sons (Sayyed) who ask you something that you possess. Return such that destitution will not touch you again. Abu Jafar said: I woke up such that the pouch was in my hand and I woke up my wife and asked her to light the lamps. I found 1000 Ashrafis (Gold Coins) in that pouch. My wife said: Fear Allah, should poverty force you to deceive some traders and usurp their money. I said: By Allah, the matter is such and such. When I opened my book of accounts I saw that the total amount that I had given on behalf of Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) was 1000 Ashrafis, neither less nor more. Imam Alis Mathematical Brilliance: DIVIDING INHERITANCE Imam Ali (AS) was endowed with a quick, sharp, incisive, mathematical mind. Here are a few interesting stories in which Imam Alis mathematical brilliance revealed itself. What is a wifes share? Imam Ali (AS) was once interrupted while he was delivering a sermon from the pulpit by someone who asked him how to distribute the inheritance of someone who had died leaving a wife, his parents and two daughters. The Imam instantly answered: The wifes share becomes one ninth. How? This answer is in fact the result of a long analysis with a number of steps. Ordinarily, we have to decide on the original share of each of these heirs, in the following way: The wife takes one eighth, in view of the presence of an inheriting child. [Holy Quran 4:12] The deceaseds father and mother take one sixth each. [Holy Quran 4:11] The two daughters take two thirds of the inheritance. [Holy Quran 4:11] So the total will be: 1/8 + 1/6 + 1/6 + 2/3 = 3/24 + 4/24 + 4/24 + 16/24 = 27/24 This means the share becomes less than 1/8 in view of the increase of the total of the shares which are so fixed and prescribed. So the one eighth, the original share due to the wife out of twenty-four total shares, has become three shares out of a total of twenty-seven, which is one ninth. Imam Alis mind went through this complex mathematical process in a second! ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Name - Hasan Title - Al-Mujtaba Kunyat - Abul Muhammad Born - Tuesday, 15th Ramadan 3 AH at Medina Fathers Name - Ali ibne abu Talib Mothers Name - Fatima (Daughter of the Holy Prophet) Died - at the age of 46 years, at Medina, on Thursday, 28th Safar, 50 AH. Buried - at the cemetery of Jannat-ul-Baqi in Medina Imam Hasan (a.s.) and Knowledge Imam Hasan (a.s.), like all other Imams was granted divine knowledge by Allah (swt) and he demonstrated it right from his childhood. Once Imam Hasan (a.s.) was asked What are the 10 strong things that are stronger than one another? Imam Hasan (a.s.) replied: Among the strong things is Stone; Even stronger is the Iron which is used to break Stone; Even stronger is the Fire which melts Iron; Even stronger is the Water which extinguishes Fire; Even stronger are Clouds that carry Water with them; Even stronger is the Air which floats the Clouds with it; Even stronger is the Angel who moves the Air; Even stronger is the Angel who will give Death to the Angel who moves the Air; Even stronger is the Death which will come upon the Angel of Death; and Even stronger is the order of Allah (swt) which governs the Death. Once the ruler of Rome asked Imam Hasan (a.s.): Which are the creations which were born without a mother and father or Male and Female? and Imam Hasan (a.s.) replied: These are 7 creations: Hazrat Adam (a.s.), Hazrat Hawwa (a.s.), the lamb which was sent in place of Hazrat Ismaeel (a.s.), the camel of Hazrat Saleh (a.s.), the serpent of Hazrat Moosa (a.s.), Iblees and the crow that taught the method of burial to Qabeel son of Hazrat Adam (a.s.). ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Name - Husain Title - Sayyid-ush-Shohada (Leader of Martyrs) Kunyat - Abu Abdullah Born - Thursday, 3rd Shaban 4 AH at Medina Fathers Name - Ali ibne abu Talib Mothers Name - Fatima (Daughter of the Holy Prophet) Martyred - at the age of 57 years, in Kerbala, on 10th Muharram 61 AH by Yazid-ibn-Muawiya and his ruthless army. Buried - in Kerbala Wasilah, Tawassul (Intercession) of Imam Hussein (a.s.) When Imam Hossein (a.s.) was born, Allah (SWT) sent down the angel Jibrail (a.s.) to congratulate the family of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). On the way down from the heavens angel Jibrail (a.s.) passed an island, on which the angel Fitrus was sent to by Allah (SWT) because he had been naughty. Fitrus had also had his wings taken away by Allah (SWT). When Fitrus saw Jibrail (a.s.) he asked him where he was going. Jibrail (a.s.) told him that he was going to congratulate the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his family on the birth of Imam Hossein (a.s.). Fitrus asked if he could also go with him. Jibrail (a.s.) agreed with the permission of Allah (SWT) and so carried him down to earth. When the angels reached the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and congratulated him and his family, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) told Fitrus to go to Imam Hossein (a.s.). When Fitrus touched Imam Hosseins (a.s.) cradle his wings were given back to him by Allah (SWT), who had forgiven him. If you want something it is better to ask through our Imams (a.s.) as they are closer to Allah (SWT) than we are. ______________________________________________ ___________________ Name - Ali-ibn-ul Husain Title - Zain-ul Abideen Kunyat - Abu Muhammad Born - Saturday 15th of Jamadi-ul-Awwal, at Medina Fathers Name - Husain ibn Ali Mothers Name - Shahr Banoo, daughter of King Yazdigard II Died - at the age of 58 years, in Medina , on the 21st of Muharram 95 AH. Poisoned by Waleed bin Abdul Malik Marwan. Buried - Jannat-ul-Baqi After the martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S), the army of Yezid cut-off the heads of all the martyrs of Kerbala and removed them from their bodies. Then they left those bodies without burying them. They did not allow Imam Zainul Abidin (A.S) to bury these martyrs. Instead, they took him a prisoner to Kufa. After the army of Yezid had left for Kufa, the tribe of Bani Asad, who lived in the neighbourhood of Kerbala, came to bury the martyrs. Since there was no way by which they could know whose body belonged to whom, they were worried. Suddenly, they saw a man on a horse coming in their direction. Fearing that this could be a spy of Yezid coming to check on them, the Bani Asad went into hiding. The man came where they were hiding and called them to come out. He told them that he was Ali Ibn Husain (A.S) and had come through miracle from Kufa to help them identify and bury the martyrs. In this way Imam Zainul Abidin (A.S) buried the martyrs and his father where they lie buried today. His coming to Kerbala was very important for two reasons. Firstly, an Imam from Allah has to be given the burial services, when he dies, by the Imam who takes over from him. No one could give the burial services to Imam Husain (A.S) except him. But he was miles away and in chains as a prisoner of Ibn Ziyad in Kufa. He therefore came to Kerbala by miracle. Secondly only he knew who was who. Otherwise, we would never know who was buried where the way we know today. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Name - Muhammad Title - Al-Baqir Kunyat - Abu Jafar Born - Tuesday 1st of Rajab 57 A.H. , at Medina Fathers Name - Ali ibn Husain Mothers Name - Fatima binte Hassan Died - At the age of 59 years, at Medina, on Monday, 7th Zilhajj 116 AH. Poisoned by Hisham bin Abdul Malik Buried - Jannat-ul-Baqi One of Imam Mohammed Baqir asws’s companions, Mohammed bin Muslim, became seriously ill uponarriving in Medina.Imam asws sent ‘syrup’ for him through one of his asws servants. Upon visiting him, the servant told Mohammed: ‘My master has sent this medicine for you and has asked me not to leave until you drink it in front of me’. Mohammed said, I was so ill that I could not even move from my bed and started crying after realising the care and kindness of my Mola asws I immediately took the syrup from the messenger and drank all of it. I was miraculously cured and regained all my lost strength as soon as I felt that syrup into my stomach. I felt like I have been released from the claws of a devil, I immediately rushed towards Imam asws‘s house and asked for his permission to see himasws Upon seeing my Mola asws , I became hysterical and tears started gushing down my cheeks, I kissed Imamasws’s sacred feet and forehead. Imam asws asked me why was I crying after being relieved from illness? I replied,Mola asws ! I am poor and troubled by lack of resources, which also prevent me from visiting you. Imam asws replied, as far as your lack of resources, Allah azwj has not only predestined it for all our asws devout followers and friends but also has engulfed them into hardships and they are subjected to difficult tests one after another. You have complained about being away from your hometown; you better look up to Imam Hussain asws. who is peacefully resting near the banks of Euphrates, far away from us asws As far as travelling long distances under unbearable conditions, you better know that everysingle ‘Momin’ is distressed and lives an unsettled life, away from his comfort zone and is given hard times by others, surely, he will not find any refuge until he departs from this mortal world and embraces the blessings of his Lord As far as our kindness and care for you, it reflects more than what you carry for us, you are unable to return our favours, but I assure you, you will be rewarded and blessed for the love and loyalty you nurture for us in your heart. ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________ Name - Jafar Title - As-Sadiq Kunyat - Abu Abdullah Born - Monday 17th of Rabi-ul-Awwal 83 A.H. in Medina Fathers Name - Muhammad ibn Ali Mothers Name - Umme-e-Farwah Died - At the age of 65 years, at Medina, on Monday, 15th Rajab 148 AH. Poisoned by Mansur Dawaneeqi the Abbasite Buried - Jannat-ul-Baqi . At the age of 11, the Imam refuted the theory that the sun, moon and the planets rotated around the earth. He said that the sun, during its course round the earth, passes through the 12 constellations in one year and remains in each constellation for 30 days, so why does it then disappear from sight during the night. It should remain visible in each constellation for 30 days. Ptolemy** theory said that the sun has two movements. One of its movements is that it crosses the sign of the zodiac and goes round the earth in one year and the other movement is that it goes round the earth in one night and one day, as a result of which we see it rise in the east and set in the west. ** Ptolemy was a geographer and astronomer who was born in Alexandria in the 2nd century B. C. He enriched his knowledge by reading the books of great scholars of Greece in the library of Alexandria. He borrowed from Euclid, the great mathematician, the idea that the sun rotated round the earth and then developed his own theory known as the Ptolemaic System. Since then up to the 8th century BC no one refuted this theory. ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Name - Musa Title - Al-Kadhim Kunyat - Abu Ibrahim Born - Sunday 7st of Safarb 128 A.H. , at Abwa (Between Mecca and Medina) Fathers Name - Jafar ibn Muhammad Mothers Name - Hamida Khatoon Died - At the age of 55 years, at Baghdad, on Friday, 25th Rajab 183 AH. Poisoned by Harun- al-Rashid the Abbaside caliph Buried - Kazmain, Baghdad . mam Moosa Al-Kadhim (as) and Knowledge of unseen (Ilm-e-Ghaib): One day Haroon Rasheed sent some robes to Ali bin Yaqtin to honour him. Among their number was a black woolen cloak adorned with gold like the robes of kings. Ali bin Yaqtin dispatched those robes to Imam Moosa Al-Kadhim (as). Among their number he (also) sent that cloak adorned with gold. Ali bin Yaqtin added some money which he had already prepared specifically for him as the fifth of his money (Khums - tax for the Imams) which he was going to pay him. When that reached Imam Moosa Al-Kadhim (as), he accepted the money and the robes but returned the cloak by the hand of the messenger to Ali bin Yaqtin. Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (as), wrote to him: Keep it and do not let it leave your hands. For an event will occur to you because of it when you will have the need of it with him (Haroon Rasheed). Ali bin Yaqtin was suspicious about it being returned to him and did not understand the reason for that. Some time later, Ali bin Yaqtin changed (his attitude) towards a servant who had a special position with him and he left his service. The servant knew about Ali bin Yaqtins inclination towards Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (as). He was acquainted with the money, robes and other things (Ali bin Yaqtin) had sent to (Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (as)) on every occasion. He (went and) informed on him to Haroon Rasheed. He told (Haroon Rasheed) that (Ali bin Yaqtin) maintained the Imamate of Imam Musa Al- Kadhim (as) and paid him a fifth of his money each year, and also that he had given him the cloak with which (Haroon Rasheed) had honoured him at such-and-such a time. Haroon Rasheed burned with anger and was furious. He declared: I will expose this situation. If the matter is as you say, his life will be destroyed. Abbasid Caliph, Haroon Rasheed immediately sent for Ali bin Yaqtin to be brought. When he appeared before him, Haroon Rasheed said: What have you done with the cloak which I bestowed upon you? (Ali bin Yaqtin) replied, I still have it in a sealed chest and there I keep perfume with it. In the mornings I open it and look at it to gain blessings from it. I kiss it and then put it back in its place. Every night I do the same thing. Bring it, immediately, Haroon Rasheed ordered. Yes, Commander of the faithful, he answered. Ali bin Yaqtin summoned one of his servants and told him: Go to such-and-such a room in my house. Take the key for it from my custodian and open it. Open such-and-such a box and bring me the sealed chest which is in it. It was not long before the servant returned with the chest still sealed. Ali bin Yaqtin put it before Haroon Rasheed and told him to break the seal and open it. When Haroon Rasheed opened it, he saw the cloak in it folded and laid out in perfume. Haroon Rasheeds anger became pacified and he said to Ali bin Yaqtin: Return it to its place and go away righteously. I will never disbelieve you again on the word of an informer. Haroon Rasheed ordered a magnificent gift to be sent after him and he had the informer flogged with a thousand lashes. After he had been flogged about a hundred lashes, informer died. ______________________________________________ _ Name : Ali TITLE: Reza, Al-Raza, Badshah-e- Khorashan FATHER: Imam Musa-e-Kazim (AS) - 7th Imam MOTHER: Hazrat Bibi Najma BIRTH DATE: 11th Ziqaadah year 148 Hijrah Medina AGE: 55 Years DIED ON: 17th Safar, 203 Hijrah DEATH PLACE: Iran HOLY SHRINE: Mashad - IRANThe people of king Mamun Rashid were very angry that he had made our 8th Imam, Imam Raza (as), his heir. To show Imam Raza (as) that they did not respect him, the servants of Mamun Rashid decided that when 8th Imam, Imam Raza (as) came to the court they would not open the doors, or lift up the curtains for Imam Raza (as) to pass through. That day when Imam Raza (as) came to the court, the doors and curtains were opening by themselves for Imam Raza (as) under the command of Allah. The servants became very scared and ashamed and resumed their duty of opening the doors and curtains for Imam Raza (as). Once when our 8th Imam, Imam Raza (as) was travelling through a town called Nishapur, the people of the town asked Imam Raza (as) to tell them a hadith from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). Imam Raza (as) told them the following hadith: My father Musa al-Kadhim (as) told me, from his father Jafar Sadiq (as), from his father Muhammad al-Baqir (as), from his father Ali Zainul Abideen (as), from his father the martyr of Kerbala (Hussain) (as), from his father Ali ibn Abu Talib (as), from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). from Angel Jibrail (as), from Almighty Allah: The Kalima of La ilaha illallah is My fort, and whosoever says it will enter My fort, and whosoever enters My fort is safe from My punishment. This hadith is known as the Golden chain hadith. This is because each member of the chain was a Masoom (infallible). The people of Nishapur began reciting the Kalima and thought that His Holiness talk was over, but to their amazement the Holy Imam Raza (as) added the following words to what he had previously stated: But all this depends on some conditions, and I am considered to be one of those conditions. This historical and the most famous Hadith Qudsi is called Silsilat al-Dhahab. Imam Raza (as) confirms that worshipping God will be counted as a perfect procedure when it is based on the obedience of the immaculate Holy Imams (as). This historical statement of Imam Raza (as) implied the presentation and assertion of the Imamat (socio-religious leadership) of His Holiness._________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Name: Muhammad bin Ali. Titles: At-Taqi, Al-Jawad. Kuniyya: Abu Jafer. Father: Imam Ali Ridha (A.S.) Mother: Sabika (also known as Khaizarun). Birth: 10th Rajab 195 a.h. Madina. Death: 29th Dhulqada 220 a.h. Baghdad. Buried in Kadhmain Imam Taqi (as): You should not fear anyone other than Allah (SWT) The story of Mamun al-Rashids first meeting with the young son of Imam Ali Ridha (as) is interesting. Once when our 9th Imam, Imam Taqi (as) was only nine years old, he was walking down a street of Baghdad, when Mamun al- Rashid and his soldiers came by. All the other children on the street ran away but Imam Taqi (as) did not. Noting this, Mamun al-Rashid stopped his carriage and asked, Young man, why did you not run away like the other children? Imam Taqi (as) replied calmly, Neither had I committed a crime, nor was I blocking the way. Why should I have run away or be afraid? And I also know that you will not cause any unnecessary trouble when your way is not blocked. Mamun al-Rashid was surprised with this mature reply and asked, What is your name? Muhammad, came the reply. Whose son are you? asked Mamun al-Rashid. Son of Imam Ali Ridha (as). Mamun al-Rashid rode on. During his hunt the hawk returned to him with a fish in its beak. Mamun al-Rashid was surprised. He returned back toward the city. Once again, he found children playing on the same spot, who ran away seeing the caliphs soldiers, except this young man who said he was Muhammad son of Imam Ali Ridha (as) who remained where he was. Mamun al-Rashid hid the fish in his palm, stopped his carriage near Imam Taqi (as) and said, Tell me, what is there in my fist? Imam Taqi (as) replied, Allah (SWT) has created tiny fish in the river. The hawks of kings sometimes catch fish from there and bring it to the Kings. They hide it in their fist and ask a member of the Ahlul Bayt of the Prophet, Tell me what is there in my fist. Mamun al-Rashid said, Truly, you are the worthy son of Imam Ali Ridha (as). Mamun al- Rashid took the young Imam Taqi (as) with him, and let him live in a nearby house next to the Royal Palace. ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Name - Ali Title - An-Naqi and Al-Hadi Kunyat - Abul Hasan Born - Friday 15th of Zilhajj 212 A.H., at Surba Fathers Name - Muhammad ibn Ali Mothers Name - Summana Khatoon Died - At the age of 42 years, at Samarra , on Monday, 26th Jamadi-ul-Akhar 254 AH. Poisoned by Mutaz the Abbaside Caliph Buried - at Samarra, Baghdad. Imam Hadis (as) attends the distressed: Once Younas Naqqash came terrified and trembling to see our 10th Imam, Imam Hadi (as) and said, Oh the son of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) I am at the verge and threshold of death, you help my family. Imam Hadi (as) asked him as to what was the matter. Younas Naqqash said so, one of the courtiers of Abbasid Caliphate has given me a gem to engrave a design upon it. During the work, the gem broke into two pieces. Tomorrow, he will send someone to collect the gem. If he comes to know about the matter he will kill me. Imam Hadi (as) bent his head downward then he raised it saying, I prayed for you, be satisfied no harm will reach you from him, instead, this work will end to your benefit. Get up and go you will face no trouble tomorrow. The next day Younas Naqqash moved towards the house of that man with trembling legs along with one of the officials deputed. Not very long afterwards, the owner of the house arrived and said, Oh Younas Naqqash it was settled that you engrave a design over that gem but two of my daughters have a conflict upon this gem. If it is possible, break the gem into two pieces, and engrave the design on each of the two parts of it. I will give you a reward too, for that, Younas Naqqash said, Permit me to think about this matter. He came out of that place and returned happily to Imam Hadi (as) and expressed his gratitude and thankfulness over the kindness he had shown to him. Imam Hadi (as) explains Maal al-Katheer from Noble Quran: Once Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil was poisoned so he kept a vow (Nadhr) saying that, If I recover fully then I will spend Maal al- Katheer in the cause of Allah (SWT). Maal al-Katheer means plenty of money, but Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil did not specify the amount. When he finally recovered, Abbasid Caliph Al- Mutawakkil called for his scholars, informed them about his vow and sought their guidance on the amount which he should pay so that it should be regarded as Maal al-Katheer. He got different answers. One said that he should pay 1000 dirham; the other said he should pay 10,000 dirham and the third said that the money should amount to 100,000 dirham. Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil was confused and did not know which scholars advice he should follow. One of the courtiers, whose name was Hasan, said, O Al-Mutawakkil! If you allow me then I shall acquire a correct answer to your question. Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil said to him, Alright, go then and acquire for me a correct answer. If you satisfy me, I will gift you 10,000 dirham other wise I will have you whipped. The courtier came to our 10th Imam, Imam Hadi (as) who was under surveillance. As soon as the Imam Hadi (as) saw him, he (as) said, You have come to ask me about Maal al-Katheer. Go and tell Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil it is 80 dirham. When Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil heard this, he asked for a proof. Imam Hadi (as) told the courtier, Allah (SWT) says in the Noble Quran to His Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): Allah (SWT) rendered you with victory in many places Noble Quran (9:25) When we counted the places of victory, they were 80 in number. This therefore, shows that the interpretation of Katheer is eighty. When Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil heard this, he was satisfied and extremely pleased. As promised, the courtier was awarded with 10,000 dirham.___________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Name - Hasan Title - Al-Askari Kunyat - Abu Muhammad Born - Monday 8th of Rabi-ul-Akhar 232 A.H. , at Medina Fathers Name - Ali ibn Muhammad Mothers Name - Saleel Died - At the age of 28 years, at Samarra, on Friday 8th Rabi-ul-Awwal 260 AH. Poisoned by Motamad the Abbaside Caliph Buried - at Samarra, Baghdad. Imam Hassan Askari (as) and the knowledge of hidden things: Ismail says, I was sitting on the way of our 11th Imam, Imam Hassan Askari (as) so that I may stop him while he passes that way and ask him for help. Prior to that, I had hidden two hundred (200) golden coins with me as a future provision for myself. Suddenly, when I was lost in my ideas, Imam Hassan Askari (as) passed by me. I rushed after him, stopped him and told him about my poverty and misery and swear that I had nothing from the material sources. Imam Hassan Askari (as) was very much annoyed with my swearing. He told his servant to give me what was available with him. The servant put hand in his pocket and brought out a sack of gold and gave it to me. Then Imam Hassan Askari (as) addressing me said, We do not deprive anybody from our help but you took a false oath and made Allah (SWT) angry. You must never do that again and not deny the blessings of Allah (SWT) in future and depend upon Allah (SWT) and have hope from him, make use and benefit of the boon which He has given to you. You have concealed two hundred golden coins in a corner so that it may be of use and benefit to you on your rainy day. But beware, you will not have an approach and lay your hands upon them, while you need them. Ismail says, Imam Hassan Askari (as) made me aware and conscious about my fault by his words. What he had said did occur. One day when I extremely needed those coins, I rushed towards the place I had buried them. But when I dug the place I was surprised to see that there was no sign of the coins. I came to know that my son got informed about them and did an ugly act by picking them up without my permission and running away. Exactly the way Imam Hassan Askari (as) said, that I would not lay my hand upon them at the time of need. There after, I decided to control myself and put a restraint upon my faults and be a chaste and pious person before Allah (SWT). ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Name - Muhammad Title - Al-Mahdi, Sahib-ul-Asr, Al-Hujjat, Al- Qaim Kunyat - Abul Qasim Born - Friday 15th of Shaban 255 A.H., at Samarra Fathers Name - Imam Hasan-al-Askari Mothers Name - Nargis Khatoon Died - Still living but in oocultation and will appear before the Day of Judgement to establish justice on earth. Although there are a plenty number of the miracles of Imam-e-Zaman but we point out two of them as under: 1)Shiekh Tusi has narrated it from a man named Rashiq, who was the agent of Abbesade caliph Motazid. One day Motazid summoned me and said, I have learnt that there is a son in the house of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.). He escorted me with two of his agents saying, Go to Samara as soon as possible and get into the house of Imam Askari (A.S.) if you find a young man kill him and bring his head for me. We swiftly proceeded till we reached Imam’s (A.S.) door. We saw a slave sitting at the door. We paid no heed to him and entered the house. We saw a much beautiful house and a room in a corner attracted our attention. We drew the curtain up, saw a big room full of water and there was a carpet spread over it and a youth was busy offering prayers. One of the agents entered the room and at once sunk into the water. We saved him with a great deal of trouble. He lost his senses. The other one entered the room he too got sunk into the water. We dragged him out. He too lost his senses. After an hour both of them regain their lost senses. While we were trembling with fear, we rode off upon our homes and moved towards the residence of the caliph. We approached him at the mid of night. He was waking and waiting for us. We explained the matter to him. He too trembled with fear as we had and said, Nobody should know about this matter. Keep this secret to you and don’t tell it to anyone. If I come to know that you have mentioned it to someone I will kill you. So till such time Motazid was living we did not pluck the courage to say a word about it. 2) Ali bin Sinan narrates, a group of people of Qum proceeded towards Samarah, along with some money, to visitImam Askari (A.S.). When they reached there they discovered that Imam (A.S.) had passed away. They remained uncertain and wandering around for a while to find out what to do, till such time they were introduced to Jaffar the brother of Imam Askari (A.S). When they described the aim and object of that journey. He said to them, Hand me over the money as I am his successor. But they said, Imam (A.S.) must tell us how much money we have along with us and that whose property is each of the sacks? This thing had occurred before as well, therefore, Jaffar got flared up and said, You are telling a lie that my brother used to inform about these things. Because this is prescience and omniscience and oracle, and divination belongs to God only and none else. But they insisted and asserted so that Jaffar made a complaint against them to the caliph. He summoned them and ordered them to surrender the wealth to Jaffar. They pledged that, This is not our money and all are deposits of the people and we have no way except handing them over to somebody who may be the successor of Imam (A.S.) and if otherwise, then return them to their owners. The caliph accepted their word and let them go free. When they decided to leave the city a young man came to them and said, Imam has summoned you all. All of them were happy and followed him to the house of Imam Askari (A.S.). There they found a young man, the effects and signs of Imamate were apparent upon whose face. They repeated the same words, which they had told Jaffar. Imam smiled and said, Sit down, so that I inform you about each one of these (sacks). Thereafter, he took the name of the owner of each of the sacks one by one, the amount and their quantities and numbers. We were pleased and overjoyed for the fact that we had discovered our lost object. We took out the sacks and handed those over to Imam (AS.) and enquired and put questions to him about our problems. He replied all of them. Then he ordered that from that time onwards we must not bring the money over there and instead; contact the representative, which he had appointed in Baghdad. Whenever we have questions to be asked we must send those to him and he will send the answers to us. All of us said good-bye to him and came out. We thanked God upon that blessing and benediction.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 17:47:20 +0000

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